Part 1: 6. Fred's Rescue Plan

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6.    Fred's Rescue Plan

  "Help! Hee—" 
Fred, Jose, Charlie, and Cathryn turned, and a little-ways away up hill they could see Tom, Philip, and Bryan bound and gaged! Five more men were there. 
"Oh no! What should we do to help them?" Cathryn asked nervously. They stepped behind a huge bolder. 
"Here's what we'll do," Fred said. "Cathryn, you will run and pretend to get help. Hoping that three, or four will fall for it, while Jose signals Tom to tell Philip, and Bryan to work on their bounds, get their guards, then surround Jackson. Jose, and I will distract Jackson while their doing that. Got it? Now!" 
They all stepped out from behind the huge rock together then when they looked up they pretended to surprised. 
"Oh no! I'm going to get help!" Cathryn said and with that she ran down the hill, in which was the direction of the their cars, followed by three men. 
Jose, seeing it was his cue, signaled Tom to work on their bounds and get their guards, then surround Jackson. When Tom saw what Jose was telling him nodded then told the others about the plan.

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