Part 1: 3. Disappear

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3. Disappear

One mile from the place where they almost got ran over, Cathryn didn't hear the boys' voices and footsteps behind her. But she had forgot about that. She heard something else. Cathryn stopped and listened for a while. She didn't hear the noise again. So she continued walking. Then she heard it again.

"Shh! Did you hear that? Guys!...GUYS!" she yelled turning her head in every direction.

"Oh no!" the panic stricken girl thought.

"They're gone! What do I do? What do I do?" Cathryn asked herself.

"You'll come with me. That's what you'll do!" a man-like voice said behind Cathryn.

She froze.

"Oh oh!" The now surprised girl thought.

"Who are you?" Cathryn asked slowly turning around to face the man.

He had emerged from some bushes. The guy looked like he was 21 years old. He hasn't shaved for a while, and he looked like he exercised a lot, because he had a tall build and looked strong. The man wore ripped up kaki jeans and a white T-shirt. The sleeves of his shirt were ripped too. The man chuckled.

"Ha! Who am I? You know exactly who I am!" The unknown man said to Cathryn.

"Actually, I don't know who you are." Cathryn retorted backing away from the man.

"Well, you'll know soon enough." He reassured her.

All of a sudden four more men stepped out from other bushes. Two behind Cathryn and two from behind the first man. They all looked younger than the first one. And they all had on the same type of clothes, except they had on brown shirts. They had camouflage paint all over their faces. Two stood beside their boss. While the other two grabbed Cathryn.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Let go of me!" Cathryn cried.

The men in response shook their heads. Cathryn forced herself to calm down from the shock.

"Where are my friends?" she was determined to find out.

"Don't worry about your friends," the first man said. "what you need to worry about is how you are going to get away."

Cathryn got wide eyed.

"LET ME GO!!!!!!"

She tried to yank away from the men holding her, and run away. But they tightened their grip on her.

"The man's right. Unless the boys saw him following me, and went to get help!" Cathryn thought hopefully.

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