Little Writing

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Heyo, so I know it's been forever since I've published anything on here, but I thought I'd share this. I'm really proud of the way it turned out.

  He was the guy you had to get used to. He was loud, talkative, sarcastic, and everything she stayed away from. Somehow, within only a small period of time, they trusted each other more than they trusted themselves.
  He showed her from the beginning what it was like to be happy. Truly happy. It was almost as good as the way books portrayed it. Nothing was quite as good as books though. Still, he made her heart soar and her life bright. It was as if the sun came out after so much gloom.
  He soon showed her love; something she had been longing for. It was like nothing she felt before. It was magical and nothing could beat the feeling. Seemed some things were even better than what the books portrayed. Together, they felt on top of the world. Like anything was possible. As long as they had each other.
  And so, their story happily and lovingly went on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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