A Story For My Friend

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  Alexandra had her friends over at her house for the evening. They had planned a movie night, where they would eat as much junk food that they could handle.

  Meanwhile, Levi, Alexandra's cousin, had his friends at his house. They were going to plan a prank on Levi's cousin. He told them the plan of what was going to happen and they got ready to leave.

  The girls got all the snacks that they wanted from the pantry and went to the living room to put on the movie.
They decided to watch The Grudge. It was one of the scariest movie they had seen so they huddled close together.

  In the middle of the movie and of the girls, Chrissy, had to use the restroom. "Hey, can we pause the movie? I have to go to the bathroom." She said, already getting up.

  "Sure." Alexandra said, pausing the movie and getting up to stretch. "This movie is creepy." She muttered to the other girls, to which they nodded in agreement and got up to stretch too.

  While they were waiting for Chrissy to get, they heard a knock on the door. They went to answer it, but when Alexandra opened the door, no one was there. She shrugged it off as a ding-dong ditch and they went back to the living room.

  They heard the knock again, but this time it came from a living room window. Now the girls were creeped out so they watched from the window to see if the person would come back. The next time there were knocks on multiple windows.

  Chrissy was done in the restroom and started doing back to living room when she saw someone go across the kitchen window. She looked out and saw no one there which made her scared. She saw the person again and she ran back to living room with the others.

  Little did they know, it was Levi and his friends pranking them. The boys didn't know that Alexandra was having friends over or that they were watching a horror movie.

  After a five minutes of the boys running back and forth from the window, they all gathered and jumped at the girls from outside. The girls jumped back from the window, scared.

  Alexandra looked out the window and saw the boys hunched over laughing. She stomped out the front door and went over to Levi. "I can't believe you! Why would you do that?" She exclaimed, a small smile making its way onto her lips.

  Levi composed himself and answered. "Because it's funny and we were bored." He chuckled, motioning to the rest of them.

Alexandra shook her head and motioned for them to go inside the house, starting to laugh lightly. "Y'all are crazy." She said, closing the door behind them.

  They all settled in the living room and Alexandra and Levi cleared everything up. The girls started laughing and talked for a bit.

  "Should we finish watching the movie?" Chrissy asked.

  "What movie were you watching?" Levi asked.

  "The Grudge." Chrissy responded.

  "Oh, I like that movie." Levi said, his friends nodding in agreement. "Unpause it, Alexandra."

  So she did. She unpaused the movie and they finished it peacefully. They watched a few more movies after that and they finished the food they had taken out. Everyone ended up staying the night since the majority of them fell asleep throughout the last movie.

  Alexandra and Levi were the last ones awake so they cleaned up as much they could.

  "So, tonight was fun." He chuckled, putting cups in the sink.

  "Yeah, it was." Alexandra agreed, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Make yourself comfortable." She yawned.

  "Good night."

  "Good night."

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