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Look at the fall leaves aren't they beautiful. Look at the cloudy skies they're dark there's no sun, it looks so sad yet so, so beautiful. See the roses aren't they beautiful. Has anyone ever noticed that some of the darkest and sad looking things look the the most beautiful? Am I the only one that notices this? Look at the black lipstick and eyeshadow, my favorite because it looks beautiful, i show someone else and they are the total opposite. Can you relate? You see that person at the mall the same gender or no gender, you know they like you and you like them, you're with your friends and you haven't comr out to them. You point to that person, you don't say that person is hot, no, you say that person is beautiful. Then your friends look at you wide eyed for a couple seconds then devour you in hugs. You are confused for a second wondering why your friends are hugging you, then you realise OMG I-I j-just c-came out to my friends!!! You're so happy that they reacted good, look at how beautiful this is!

You are beautiful never think otherwise. You are you and don't let anybody change that.

"You should know you're beautiful just the way you are, and you don't have to change a thing the world can change its heart" -Alessia Cara

I hope you all like this chapter. Tell me what you think in the comments and please, please blow me up with questions for a Q&A. I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night/afternoon or whatever it is where you are at!!!


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