I never got to say goodbye

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If you guy's read my bio then you know I've lost my grandpa. This is going to be in a way about him.

Grandpa on my mom's side or my mom's dad- he very sadly passed away on December 20, 2017 at the age of 57. He passed away from a disease called ALS (those are the initials I honestly don't know what each letter stands for.) What it does is waste your muscles and hardening voluntary muscles (I honestly don't even know what that means I just got it from Google.) Pneumonia is also what caused his condition worse. He passed away six months after his diagnosis. I miss him so much. He passed on a Wednesday evening. I didn't know until I got to my Tio's (uncle's) house which was where he was staying. My sister's, dad, and I barley walked through the door when my mom started sobbing and managed to choke out the words "grandpa passed." As soon as she said that we all started balling our eye's out. At that moment all I wanted to do was throw things and scream at the top of my lungs, somehow I managed not to I don't know how. I saw a couple people I didn't recognize because they  were the one's that helped take care of my grandpa. They told my sister's and I that the time the three of them (the nurses and my grandpa) had together would always be cherished. That's something that always makes me smile. They said that they had never met a bigger Dallas Cowboys fan. I could tell that they were as well devastated, for they were crying as well. There were also a few family members and friends there. My mom asked my sister's and I if we wanted to see our grandpa. I was the only one that said yes. So, the few family members that were in the family room went out and my mom, Tio, and I went in and held his hand and told him we love him and stood by his bed and just cried in each other's shoulders. When my three cousins got there they were in total tears. No one could hold their tears back. My "step grandpa" (my mom's step dad) came and picked my sister's and I up so we didn't have to watch the people take our grandpa's body. Then my "step grandma" (my mom's step mom) came down along with my step aunt (my mom's step sister.) The next day December 21, 2017. My mom let us stay home from school, plus it was the last day before winter break. That day was our shopping day, we shopped for clothes to wear at the funeral. I cried on and off all day. Then I decided to text my friend telling her what happened. She told me she was sorry for my loss. That made me feel a little better. December 22, 2017. My grandpa's funeral. From the moment my family and I walked in we were already crying. When I steeped up to my grandpa's casket that's when it really hard, knowing that this isn't a dream, it's not fake it's all reality. My whole family and I cried the whole funeral. We were super close to our grandpa. We went outside were they were going to bury him. My mom, dad, Tio and a very close friend of ours laid a flower on his casket. Then my sister's, cousin's and I put a different kind of flower on his casket. I remember walking up to my mom and telling her "I don't want to leave." She told me I had to. So I left with my dad and sister's as my mom stayed behind to do a few extra things. We went to our Tio's house for the rest of the day trying to be as happy as we possibly could. We still laughed and told our best memories. December 23, 2017. We stayed at our Tio's house again for practically the whole day. Doing the same thing we did the day before telling our best memories, laughing, and trying to be as happy as we possibly could. December 24, 2017. That day was the day before Christmas. We went to our grandma's house on our dad's side (my dad's mom.) As soon as we got there our family gave us huge hugs and told they're sorry for our loss. By the time we made around the whole family we were in tears. So we went to our grandma's bedroom and freshened up. About two hours went by and we opened gifts, then about an hour later we left. I'm glad we did because I was about to ball my eye's out. We went back to our Tio's house for the rest of the day. Which that's were we stayed for practically a whole week and wouldn't leave until eleven o'clock pm. December 25, 2017 Christmas day. My cousin's, sister's, Tio,aunt, mom and dad and I went to my grandma's house on my mom side (my mom's mom.) We ate breakfast and about thirty minutes later we opened presents. After we left it was around twelve o'clock. We went to our Tio's house afterwards. When it was around eight or nine o'clock pm, my Tio called the family into the family room to open gifts. We opened gifts from our "step grandma" ( my mom's step mom) and our "step aunt" (my mom's step sister), Tio, aunt, and cousins. Then my mom gave my cousin's, sister's, and I a card. "We saved the best for last" my mom said. I already knew who the gift was from considering my mom's voice was cracking from holding back tears. We opened the cards already crying. In the card was a note telling us how much he loves us and that he always will even though he's gone. That's not the only thing that was in there though, in each card was a hundred dollar bill I still have it and I don't plan on using it any time soon. The day went by. More and more day's flew by. New Year's day came and we were pretty much on our regular schedule.

I hope you like this chapter. It was supposed to be a lot longer, but I decided I will make the part I left out into Fridays chapter. I'm sorry that this is a sad chapter. For some reason I feel like it lifts some weight off my shoulders. If there was any confusion or you have any questions please fell free to comment or message me. Remember fire all sorts of questions, I would love to hear your questions so I can do a Q&A later on.


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