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Because of The Operators need for "helpers", it enlists HABIT to help it.

HABIT's job here is to make sure the helpers obey orders. He's cruel and over the top. His demeanor is happy go lucky in a morbid way and can switch to being intimidating and condescending in a matter of seconds.

In an awful way, they're trained like dogs. Obey or get nothing. Not many helpers make it through HABIT's training. The Operator could always control the helpers to get his way but why waste energy on something that can be fixed?

Not only does this help the Operator in the long run but also keeps HABIT entertained. Not every helper goes through HABIT though.

Sometimes when a helper needs more "training" they are sent to HABIT. It's cruel and no helper would wish upon anyone to go through his treatment. No matter how much the helpers hate each other, they would rather help than leave them in the hands of the tormentor.

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