Diagon Alley with Draco's parents

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Melissa pov.

Today Draco's parents are back and me and Draco got our Hogwarts letter today so Narcissa Draco's mum is going to take us to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies. Narcissa was so nice she treated me like her own daughter even though she barely knows me.

*at diagon alley*

"come on children we have to get to the book store," Narcissa said hurring to the book store.

"So what kind of books do you need today Ms.Malfoy," The clerk said smiling at her.

"two sets of third year books I'm pretty sure you know what they are" Narcissa said.

"okay I will be right back with them," The clerk said.

Harry came back with some books and 2 'Monster books of Monsters' with a belt around them.

"Here you go Ms.Malfoy." He said handing over the books.

Than Narcissa payed for them than we left and went to the place where we get new robes and got the slytherin badge on it. Than we went to a pud and eating place and I recognized my family all red haired and freckles. Ron noticed me and started to come towards us with a smirk on his face.

"Will look who it is? It's Melissa. Trying to get back into the family." he said. "Will to late no one cares about you anymore Fred and George didn't write you all summer." he was right Fred and George didn't write me all summer but they said that mum wouldn't allow them to send me a letter at all.

"Look Ron I really don't care I know y'all don't like me y'all never did y'all acted like I didn't exist since day one except for Fred and George and granny so just leave me alone." I said.

"Your a stupid bitch all you ever do is complain about how we treated you deserved what you got." he said Draco's mum was wide eyed couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Maybe we should leave darling." Narcissa said piping up.

We headed home put our stuff away and ate dinner and talked watched muggle movie because Draco's dad wasn't home than we went to sleep.

Melissa and Draco what could go wrong? (second part of Ginny's twin)Where stories live. Discover now