Wrong Decisions

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Melissa's pov.
I got to lunch late and I seen Draco setting with Pansy and his friends there's no room for me to set near them so I go set with James and Katie and their joking around.
"Hey guys, " I say setting across from.
"Hey whats up how did it go with Neville, " James said.
"Not good he's never going to talk to me again." I say sadly.
I hear Draco talking about how buckbeat almost ripped off his arm I role my eyes at that.
"Did you and Draco break up or something, " James asks confused.
"No, why? "
"We'll he's flirting with Pansy and he's not even being decrease about it. " he says I look over and he was doing just that I role my eyes.
"I'm going to talk to him, "I get up and go to him. "Draco we need to talk."
"I'm talking to my friends it can wait. "
"No Draco now. " I say angrily.
"Fine, " he says getting up. We walk out of the great hall.
"What the fuck Draco? " I said once we get out of the great hall.
"What? " he says confused.
"You're flirting with Pansy right in front of me. " I yell.
"You went on a date with Neville," he yells back.
"He was helping me with herbology and I was helping him with potion it wasn't a date. " I yell back. "You know what if you don't trust me maybe we shouldn't be together, "
"No Melissa please I love you. " he says sadly.
"We need a break Draco for a week,  at the end of the week  I'll make my final decision. "I say sadly and walk to the common room wipeing away my tears,  I made a wrong decision.

Sorry for not updating in forever I've been having a mental breakdown lol

Melissa and Draco what could go wrong? (second part of Ginny's twin)Where stories live. Discover now