You used me

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Melissa's pov.
Me and Ron has been talking and telling each other everything that's been going on. He asked about me and Draco and he said he didn't really like the idea of us together but he would be okay with it.
"I better go check up on Draco and see if he's awake yet you can come along if you want?"I say getting up off the ground helping him up.
"Yeah sure I can tell him he doesn't have to worry about me hurting you anymore." He says.
We walk towards the school and go to the hospital wing and I see Draco up awake and eating.
"Your awake. "I say going up to him and hugging him and kissing his cheek.
"What's he doing here?" Draco says glaring at Ron.
"I asked him if he wanted to come with me to check on you it turns out my parents were drugging Ginny and Ron to be mean to me I'm not sure why but they did. " I explain to Draco.
"That makes no since." Draco says.
"I though the same thing but it's true and he apologized for everything he did to me he said he couldn't control it." I say.
"Malfoy I told her the truth I'm being serious. " Ron says
"We'll if I ever her of you or Ginny hurting her I won't hesate to beet you Weasley" Draco said angrily.
"I promise to never hurt her again but I can't promise that Ginny won't she always hated Melissa even before we got drugged to hate her" Ron said seriously.
"Ron what are you doing in here with Melissa and Draco. " Harry said coming in angrily.
"Go away Potter this is none of your business. " Draco said glaring at him.
"Don't tell me what to do Malfoy Ron's my best friend I can talk to him when ever I want." Harry says glaring at Malfoy.
"Harry please let me talk to Ron and Draco alone." I say.
"Slytherins can't tell me what to do and certainly a bitch slytherin like you. " he said but I could see the sadness in his eyes when he said that.
"Don't you dare call my sister a bitch again Harry and go away and let us talk. " Ron said angrily at Harry.
"Fine. " he said walking away.
After we talk I head up to my room and see Katie and Jason on my bed.
"Hey guys. " I say setting my stuff down.
"So tell us what happend." They said.
"What are you talking about? " I say confused they couldn't have heard about ron yet.
"You and Neville your going to use him to do you're work right" Katie says.
"No Neville is my friend really my friend I'm not going to use him." I said shocked at him.
"Well sorry but I don't think he's ever going to talk to you again. " they said guilty looking down.
"What did you guys do? " I said angry.
"It wasn't us it was the other slytherin they told him that you where using him for work. " they said fast at the same time.
"Damit I'll be back. " I leave my room and the slytherin common room and go look for Neville.
I find him under a tree near the lake with his head between his knees I go up to him and set in front of him.
"Neville." I say trying to get him to look at me.
"Leave me alone Melissa you used me. "
"No I didn't Neville they lied look at me. "I said.
"I thought I found a friend that understands me and cares about me I guess I was wrong. "
"Neville I do care about you they lied to you they don't want me to be friends with a Griffindor. "
"And to think I was actually develope a crush for you" he said then running off.
"Your my closest friend. "I said quietly and sad leaning against the tree.

Melissa and Draco what could go wrong? (second part of Ginny's twin)Where stories live. Discover now