Leave Me Alone

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Melissa's pov.
I finish studying with Neville and head towards the common room.
"Hey Weasley!" I hear someone yell and I turn around and its Pansy Parkinson.
"What do you want?" I say turning around walking back to the common room.
"Stay away from Draco he is mine." She says angrily grabbing me turning me around.
"Really he's yours then why is he dateing me and kissing me." I say pushing her away from me.
"You think he only kisses you where do you think he was when you were studying with Neville." She says smirking.
"Um.. with his friends or in his room" I say confused.
"Well how about you tell Draco your studying with Neville tomorrow then go to the abandoned classroom after a few minutes." She says. "You have to know the truth at one point."
I walk away and find Blaise sitting in the common room alone.
"Um...Blaise I know we don't talk much but I know your good friends with Draco Can I ask you a question and you tell me the truth and not tell Draco I asked you." I say nervously.
"Sure Melissa what is it?" He says looking at me .
"Is Draco cheating on me with Pansy?" I ask looking straight into his eyes.
"Melissa you deserve better then him I'm sorry." He says putting his hand on my shoulder for comfort.
I leave the common room to find Fred and George they can always make me feel better when I'm sad. I find them outside the forbidden forest.
"Melissa what's wrong?" Fred says running up to me hugging me he can tell I've been crying.
"Who made you cry?"George hugging me.
"Someone that I thought would never hurt me."I say hugging them crying.
"Melissa!" I hear Draco yell for me and he comes to me and turns me away from my brothers "what's wrong?" He says trying to hug me but I push him away.
"Leave me alone go have fun with Pansy."I say angrily walking away.
"What are you talking about?"
"You cheated on me with Pansy now leave me alone its over." I yell and go talk to Fred and George.

Melissa and Draco what could go wrong? (second part of Ginny's twin)Where stories live. Discover now