1: A Different POV

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"Stupid bear," the purplette muttered to themselves as they sketched small drawings of their peers. It was quiet in their room, or, sleeping quarters is what Monosaw called it. The artist gripped their pencil tightly, sighing as they set their sketchpad next to them. A knock was heard on their door, yet Emmy didn't make an effort to move. The enby waited for them to leave. "Emmy? Are you there? Me and Husk are going to go hang out in the restaurant."

The purple haired artist readjusted their position on the side of the bed, before calling back at them. "I'll pass! I'm busy drawing," a bit of a lie, but eh. Emmy didn't feel like talking to anyone. "Well, if you change your mind, you're welcome to join," the muffled voice of Lailai called back. Before the sound of footsteps began, though faded just as quickly.

Looking at the paper with the drawings of their classmates, a rather quick flash of light was shot in front of their eyes. They weren't in their room anymore, instead, they were watching themselves draw. It was like a flashback, almost, though ended only milliseconds later. Something about it all, seemed, off? Emmy couldn't put their finger on it. They were a bit shaken up over it, what even was that? That was their only question. Pushing their sketchbook away, they pulled their legs on their bed and did their best to block out most thoughts.

* * *

"What are you doing here, Emmy?" Parker asked, seemingly just as tired as the purplette. The enby took a minute to respond, their mind scattered from being so tired. "O-oh, uhm- needed something to help keep me a-awake- I was wondering if you two want to u-uhm- have a conversation?" Emmy stuttered, as the two in front of them agreed. Entering the room, the enby shut the door behind them.

"I- didn't think this far ahead- erm, sorry-?" The purple haired enby explained, unsure of whether or not on apologizing. "Parakeet thinks there's no reason to apologize, you're just fine!" The demigirl chirped, after all, socializing seemed to give her more energy. Emmy felt a bit more relaxed- they sat down on the floor, away from the chair on the opposite side of the room from the bed.

Though the artist noticed something, each room seemed to be specialized for the person who owned it. Parker's room consisted of one or two mannequins, with different cosplays on them both. Wigs, and different equipment to stylize them layed out on the desk, with varying shiny looking objects lying on different surfaces. Posters of various animes, games, etc. lined some of the walls. They obviously put in a lot of effort to prepare for this game..

"Oh! Emmy, would you like to help set up a party? It's to help keep everyone awake," Cody asked, a yawn escaping their mouth as he waited for the purplette to respond.  "Er- sure?," Emmy said, yawning as well. Yawns truly were contagious. "Sounds," the brunette paused to stretch. "Good," he finished. Both seemed much more awake than before. "Ooo! I have an idea," the red head spoke up, smiled brightly. "What if all 3 of us worked together! Cody can write characters, Emmy can draw them, and Parakeet can cosplay them!"

Emmy seemed to like the idea, and set their sketch pad down. "If you want, sure-" the enby said, an awkward laugh escaping. "I like the idea, don't commit identity theft on my characters though," Cody joked, laughing. Parker laughed along with, Emmy cracked a smile. "S-so! Uhm- how did you two get your talentz? I know mine's not the most impressive but- yeah," the enby asked, fidgeting with the hair laying over their face.

"I'll go first," The demigirl said, as they began to go on some sort of rant. It was like a monologue. Emmy wouldn't lie, they didn't know what they really thinking when they asked the question. They just didn't want awkward silence to cast over them.

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