1: Red Handed

45 1 0

Trigger Warning: Blood

"I swear I could've saw Doom last night in the mall, hey, Silent, do you think I was just hallucinating?" The purple haired enby asked, crossing their arms as they looked down at the body. Heart couldn't help but feel slight guilt bubble in their chest, Doom looked the same as before. Just, lifeless.

"Why are you asking me? I'm not a funnie psychic, isn't that supposed to be the support character?" (If you get the reference, I'm so sorry. I had to add this in.) Heart rolled their eyes, somewhat playfully. It was somewhat of an act. They found Silent to be.. Somewhat suspicious? It was why they chose to investigate with them. To keep an eye out.

Heart kept quiet, until they noticed something. The positioning of the body was, well, somewhat off. They didn't bring it up. The purple haired mystery (wtf, why does this sound like Kokichi) took mental note. They were a bit quiet.

>Truth Bullet Equipped
-Body Positioning: Body appears to be
positioned in a way that The arms appear
to be defending the face. Could suggest The
victim was trying to protect themselves.

"You know, the amount of glass on the ground doesn't match up with the body, and other external wounds," Heart pointed out, looking over at the dancer. "When the," was all they said in response. The enby could practically hear the female finish the rest of the sentence with the words 'imposter is sus', how many jokes were made again?

Something about the entire murder, seemed, off? It wasn't as if the enby thought it was a suicide. Doom didn't seem like that kind of person. Adjusting their glasses which had slipped down their face somewhat, Heart looked over at Silent. "Jokes aside," the purple haired nonbinary paused. As if trying to word whatever they were going to ask.

"What do you think about the murder?" Heart asked, trying to keep their voice steady as they waited for the answer. Silent paused momentarily, as if trying to come to thost logical conclusion. "Probably suicide, it seems to be the most logical I guess," The female said, a shrug following. Heart's shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, as they turned their head to look over their shoulder.

"Lailai and Kiwi are coming over, probably want to talk to us," The brunette pointed out. As the pair waited for the two to approach.

* * *

How late even was it? The enby that had been half asleep couldn't tell. It was very late, if the sky were to tell. Doom, he hadn't come back in quite some time, had he gone back without the enby knowing? Either way, they were now stealthily leaving their room. Was stealthily even a good descriptive word? It wasn't relevant to think about.

The sky was dark, though faint moonlight lit up the path towards the mall. Heart hoped no one saw them exitting their room. That would be a situation they would have a hard time getting out of, for the most part anyways. The lights that had been hung up made it easier to avoid tripping over the tables, and mess the party may have left.

Something interesting awaited the purple haired nonbinary, none the less, as they climbed the stairs to make it to the 3rd floor of the mall, the top floor of the building that was, well, not blocked off. They quietly approached, looking over the railing, long way done. Quite the long way down. To fall from such a place, would be- painful. Would it result in death? Or breakage of any sort? More than likely.

As Heart got caught up in their thoughts, they approached part of the railing. Dead silence. This was a bad idea, but when was anything they did a decently smart one? The thought of falling from the height admittedly, well- terrified them. A moment of silence past, what about this situation was well, somewhat, intriguing to them? Not that they weren't nervous, they didn't understand why they weren't as upset as the others. Questioning themselves, as always.

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