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Sometimes those people come into your life that just make it easier, they make it possible for you to keep pulling through, even if you still feel terrible. They may come in the form of a teacher, or a friend, or maybe a family member, but whoever they are, they make your life worth living.

When they passed away it was like I lost a sense of self, they were who I looked up to, who I felt so connected to, and then they were just gone. It left this empty, hollow feeling. No one else could fill it, but my friends they taught me how to cover it for a while. They taught me how to laugh, how to actually have fun. They made me feel like maybe there are some things worth living for. I still have those moments where I go home at the end of the day and just sit in the silence and feel numb and alone, but my friends take the weight off my shoulders, even if it's only for a little while.

They give me that glisten of hope, like there is something there, like I didn't lose everything, and I'll eternally be grateful for that.

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