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I still wear a mask, every day I put one on. But slowly, a little more each day it's starting to become natural. There are some days where I don't have to wear the mask at all, where everything is ok, where they make it all ok. Then there are days where I feel like I'm walking alone through an empty void.

I think of her all the time, sometimes happy thoughts, sometimes about how much I miss her. From time to time, I still sit on the edge of the void, staring down. And often I reach but I fall, and I have to pick myself back up slowly, but I pick myself up, and that's more than anyone could ever ask for.

See that girl with a mask still walks around broken, falling apart piece by piece, but she knows she's not alone. She knows she has reason to stay, and as painful as it is to hold on whilst she's feeling like this, I know she's still loved, and I know, deep down in her heart, she loves them too. I love them too.

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