Chapter 5

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Also I forgot to mention it in the last chapter so thanks Avthen  for the idea to interduce Amity's father in the story



After I got a fresh pair of clothes on I heard Amity, my mom, and Eda where off to a great start. It was all going great until I got a call from my neighbor. I went into my room and closed the door. She asked if I could babysit her kids. I didn't know what to say so I just said that I would because she is a very nice neighbor. I went back downstairs and told my mom.

Lets just say she wasn't the happiest. I asked Amity if she wanted to come with me and she said that she would love to. So we headed out and went across the street.

"Thank you so much Luz." My neighbor told me as she opened the door

"No problem" I answered

"I will be back at 10 tonight." she said as she got in the car 

"Alright Ami are you ready to take care of 2 sets of twins." I ask Amity

"Did you just say two sets of twins?!?" she replies as we walk in the house hearing yelling and screaming

"Sure did." I said as we walked into the chaos room

"Luz!" The kids yelled as they came over and gave me a big hug 

"Who is that?" one of the younger twins say as they point to Amity

"This is Amity." I said introducing her to the twins

"Amity this Mia and the other girl is Skyler and the boy in the blue shirt is Max and the boy in the red shirt is Asher." I said 

In this moment all the attention was pointed to Amity as the two sets of twins gave Amity a surprising big hug that surprised Amity so much that she fell to the ground. 

"Kids don't you guys want some ice cream." I said trying to get them off of Amity

I heard a big yes as they jumped off of Amity and scurried there little feet to the kitchen. As they did that I helped Amity of the floor.

"Thanks Lu." She said taking me back a little bit 

"New nickname I see Ams." I smirked and walked to the kitchen

After the kids had there ice cream they put there pjs on and hoped in there beds after that Amity started to read a book to them. After a while there mom finally came back home so Amity left and I went back to my house.


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