Even if i should die

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Adira pulled her hood over her head quickly, her hands skimmed across her belt which held 2 daggers. The word of a short blonde child with green eyes pulling out the sword of a holy night, which had been lodged deep into the rich grounds of Vanya, had been spreading through the surrounding towns like wild fire, leaving people with the same question.

Who on earth was this kid? How was it possible for a child to pull the sword of a holy knight out of the ground?

Adira was nervous, yet an excited chill ran through her veins and rattled her bones. The last time she had seen her blonde best friend had been 10 years ago when the seven deadly sins had split up after being framed for killing the holy knight grand master and supposedly plotting to overthrow the kingdom.

Since then, the girl had been wafting around from town to town, keeping herself hidden and trying to keep a low profile. The last thing she wanted was to be recognised, so she tended to stay on the move alot. Though, most of her time had been spent in camelot, raising the red haired prince to be the king that he was meant to be.

Adira stepped out into the cool street and pulled the door shut behind her, she didnt have many belongings and the things she did have were strapped onto her somewhere, she was always on the move. Her feet began to race each other as she walked through the down, heading straight towards where she could sense the infamous magical power that she knew so well. The sound of her feet pattering on the ground stopped as the echo of soft crying bounced of the walls of the town.

Her feet resumed and picked up the pace as she headed toward the sobbs, she rounded a corner and noticed a small woman, hunching over a larger man who was laying on the floor, laying in a puddle of his own blood. Her eyes looked around, scanning the area to see if she could see any attackers. She then let out a soft sigh before making her way over to the pair ahead of her, she hunched down next to the woman, her eyes running along the man, assesing the wounds that he had obtained.

"Let me take a look at the wound," Adira muttered as the womans arms were in the way, she could understand that the girl was upset, but she wasnt helping him by crying and putting the weight of her arms on his chest. Adira carefully grabbed the womans arms and moved them by herself, patience wasn't really one of her virtues.

Adira gripped the bottom of the mans shirt with her small fingers and lifted it up so she could check the severity of the mans wound, but her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the wound, it was slowly healing itself. She could sense it, she could sense the power of a goddess radiating softly off the wounds.

It had to be her...


"Can you help him?" The woman choked out through her sobs, looking at the uniknown girl in worry and desparation, "please. Can you please help him?"

"Hes going to be fine, you just need to take him somewhere safe where he can rest, clean the wound and nurse him back to health, make sure you keep an eye on him, he should be good as new in a few days" Adira said and pulled the mans shirt back down and then offered the girl a small smile before wiping the tear drop away from the girls eyes, "Now now, no need to waste anymore water, he'll be alright" the girl muttered before standing up.

The woman looked at Adira in shook and confusion, who the hell was this girl? The woman looked back down at the man and then to Adira once more, thinking that there was a chance the short, child like looking stranger could be crazy, though something told her that she was right and that she could trust her, "thank you, thank you so much" the woman replied and nodded her head

"I'm not the girl to be thanking" Adira told her with a small smile but her smile dropped suddenly when she felt another large burst of magical energy radiate around her, her head shot up, turning in the direction that the unborn power was coming from.

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