how to live

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1) tell boys you liked them & don't let your feelings ever go unspoken. embarrassment is better than oblivion in the long run, don't spend your life biting your tongue & sweeping heart felt letters under the carpet.

2) do not let people walk over you. you are not gravel, you are a person & you deserve the fucking galaxy. do not let them say things that hurt you, do not let them make you feel inferior. you are not inferior, dear, you can be so much.

3) goddamnit, do not, do-fucking-not let your feelings go unknown. SAY WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID, EXPLAIN YOURSELF.

4) if you want to kiss boys & drink alcohol, do it. just don't close your eyes and pretend everything's what it's not. be aware. be aware but also be you. do what you want, when you want, and how you want.

5) study for tests & make friends, loose yourself in music and in everything you do. stare at the stars for hours and draw terrible pictures of the boy who's captured your heart. pour your feelings out to him, I don't care if the only thing he does is laugh. it's okay, cause then you know he's not the one.

6) just fucking live. just fucking own it.

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