and to the bully who killed the kids.

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Those hollow words sit in your throat like a venomous drink that you down with each malicious thought that you think, perhaps you never realized the worlds ravenous intent but when you do you will realize you were taking part in it with those word knives that flee your tongue and slashing out at the innocent and the young, the ones with the bright eyes and full lives that are beaten down by comments that fall like poison from those cherry-red lips, do you not see the damage you cause? Do you not see that as each bright-eyed boy or girl falls from the sky in a downward plummet towards that crummy concrete, that you, in all of your false glory, are to blame? Your name is written across their brains, but your words are the ones that broke their life and left such horrid stains, it is you who dawns their crimson blood upon your porcelain skin and though you scrub with such intensity, the red will not fade, they will not fade. The pain you caused will never fade, and you will be left alone knowing that their death is on your hands, their last lash out for a helping hand went unnoticed, only leaving the slightest tug on your polyester shirt, though your nose was turned towards the sky- your home is waiting down below where all the murderers go.

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