words i want you to know

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I'm not gunna fucking sugar coat it, babe, life is fucking scary. Crowds are as endless as our lonely nights, and people are shitheads. They leave. They hurt you, and they do not feel remorse. It's the land of the psychopaths and blood baths, babe, ain't never gunna change.

Love, my dear, it's a lie. Just like content hearts and stable minds. Diamonds are not the things women want- it's attention. Lust. Love. What's the difference? Pictures we paint ain't what it is, dear. Words hold lies, lies hold words. People are gunna say things that aren't true. She says she won't leave- he says he loves you.

But sometimes you're sixteen and your best friend fucked your boyfriend, and sometimes shit happens. Sometimes you're fourteen and you've fallen in love for the first time, but the fucker won't even look your way. Sometimes you're twenty three and the man you love is lost somewhere inbetween you, and a bar down the street called Midnight Mandy's. Men always wanna fuck Mandy, it's like they breathe alcohol and exhale sex. Animals, babe, we're all vicious fucking animals.

But sometimes you meet someone who's changes your beleifs. Your thoughts. Your aspirations, your fears, your mind. Your heart. They're gunna open you up and mess everything up, in the beautiful abstract way your momma always talked about when she was cheating on daddy brandy and vodka, thursday to thursday- every goddamn week. They're gunna fuck you up like you wouldn't beleive.

You're gunna question me, it's alright, I know it's gunna happen. You're gunna think all that I'm saying is crazy. You're gunna see light, you're gunna feel hopeful. And baby, feel hopeful. Fall in love, headfirst, baby just fucking tumble into the kind of love you see everywhere, the kind you never thought you could have. Touch happiness. It's better to have tried than to lived your life afraid, but dear, when it's all over and the lights gone and you're alone again, remember something.

You gotta get up. Wipe your tears. Cover your wounds, they'll heal, I swear. Get the fuck over it. It's gunna be the hardest thing, I'm gunna be blunt, it won't be easy. But just remember that you're a fucking woman and you're beautiful, and you don't need anyone other than yourself. Dust yourself off, it was a hard fall. But dammit, you will be okay.

Truth is, babe, life's a fucking bitch. You just gotta know how to make life your bitch.

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