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Melody POV

"Melody" my sister's shouting and banging woke me up this morning. Since I came back our family dynamic has change. It's a constant battleground between my siblings, me as the referee and Jenna trying to save what can be saved. It's getting to a point that we all walk on eggshells around each other, especially Jeremy. He's way of grieving was anger, drinking and drugs, Elena took the role of the fixer and I took the role of the support system. We are a beautiful mess!

I get ready for the day and walk downstairs to see aunt Jenna looking through the fridge the. "Toast. I can make toast" she states

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena says to her while purring coffee in her cup. After a few seconds Jeremy comes downstairs.

"Is there coffee?" he asks but takes Elena's coffee when he sees it.

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" Jenna rumbles again pulling out a 20.

"I'm fine aunt Jenna" I say and smile at her trying to calm her nerves.

"I'm good" Elena says and Jeremy grabs the money.

"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?" aunt Jenna asks.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" I tell her taking a sip of the coffee I just made.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now. Crap!" Jenna exclaims grabbing quickly all her things.

"Then go. We'll be fine." Elena says and Aunt Jenna rushes out the door.

"You, okay?" Elena asks Jeremy and he snaps at her.

"Don't start." And leaves. "Give him some space Elena he is trying to cope, maybe not with the best way but he is still trying his best" I tell her and she takes a deep breath.

"I know this is hard on him but I can't just sit there and watch him spiral like this" she says clearly frustrated. I go to say something but we hear a car honk.

"It must be Bonnie. I'll see you at school Mel" she says, grabs her bag and leaves.

I sit there for a second and take in the silence. The day hasn't even begun and we are already at each other's throats. This in going to be a long year.

I grabbed my things and made my way to my car and got in. I was enjoying the company of the music playing through the speaker and driving to my first day back to Mystic High this time as a teacher. It's quite funny actually because I'm turning 18 next month so how could I possibly be a teacher. Let me tell you that the only explanation I can actually give is... this is Mystic Falls, everything it's normal until they aren't.

I park my car in the parking lot and walk into the school as confidently as I could. Some of the students I'll be teaching are my age and older so this is going to be somewhat weird. Strolling through the halls looking for my classroom, I suddenly bump into something, or more specific someone.

"My apologies I didn't see you there" A deep and enigmatic voice ringed through my ears. I looked up and I was met with a pair of green eyes. It was a very handsome guy, not quite my type, probably Elena's age.

"Don't worry about it I wasn't looking where I was going either" I said and gave him a small smile. He gave an identical back and extended his hand

"I'm Stefan by the way, Stefan Salvatore" he says and I shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mister Salvatore, I'm Melody Gilbert". He gave me a look I didn't really understand.

"Any relation to Elena?" he asks. "She's my little sister. Are you guys friends?" I ask, a bit confused since I never seen him before.

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