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Sometimes Boscha couldn't believe her luck. Not in a bad way. At least, not anymore. As a pup Boscha had been miserable. She had been a young omega whose family had been using and abusing her, for most of her life. She was surrounded by constant toxicity. Her friends, her family, and even herself.

Everything changed after Amity started hanging out with Luz. Being around the human seemed to change Amity. Not in a bad way though. Quite the opposite. It was so obvious how happy Amity was now. She stood up to her parents and the hierarchy itself. Watching Amity grow made Boscha want the same. She wanted that happiness. That freedom.

So now. Now Boscha was truly happy. She was mated to Willow. One of the sweetest and most compassionate alphas Bosha had ever met.

It was a long road to get to this point. It had taken years to win over Willow. It had taken a whole two years just to make up for all the wrong Boscha had done. To even convince people that she was truly sorry and wanted to be better.

And that wasn't even the hard part. The hard part was trying to court Willow. It wasn't customary for an omega to court an alpha. But Boscha was anything but customary. The alpha had been hardheaded and refused to accept any of the courting gifts Boscha had tried to give her. Willow wouldn't even go on dates with her. According to Willow, any time they had spent alone would not be called a 'date'. The alpha was ever cautious, not fully trusting in Boscha's actions.

The omega tried to play it off, making it seem like a game. But with each and every rejection Bosha grew more dejected. During their last year at Hexside Boscha decided that she would give one more last-ditch effort to win Willow over. She was going to ask Willow to Grom. If the alpha said no, Boscha would finally give up.

Several months before Grom, Boscha started growing a HeartBloom Flower. It had been traditionally given as a final courting gift, though people had not seen them in many generations. The HeartBloom was very difficult to grow. It took a lot of delicate care and constant attention. To give this flower to a love interest shows one's passion and dedication.

Boscha used all of her knowledge she had learned from Willow about plants to grow the HeartBloom. It wasn't easy by any means, on more than one occasion, Boscha thought she had accidentally killed it. But she worked hard to keep it healthy and finally, it bloomed. The omega was very pleased with how beautiful the flower had become. It was perfect. There was no way Willow would say no to it.

Boscha had nervously presented the HeartBloom to Willow, along with a letter, tied around the pot, detailing all of her feelings for Willow.

Willow couldn't believe her eyes, it was a real HeartBloom! She had only heard of these in tales. Never had she seen one in real life. No one had. It was the perfect gift for Willow. It was obvious how much Boscha truly cared for her. Seeing all the work and time the omega had put into it, the alpha happily accepted the gift and agreed to go to Grom together.

Two years later, they finally bonded as mates. Their relationship was by no means perfect. Even to this day Boscha still had trouble. Falling back into toxic traits. The omega was not only thankful but lucky to have such a kind and patient alpha. In return, Boscha had taught Willow to be more assertive and confident, and that her inner alpha was nothing to be afraid of. They both worked effortlessly to help move together towards a better life.

It had been years since they had left Hexside, and so much had changed around them. Belos was gone, along with the covens. Witches were free to study and use magic as they pleased.

Willow was now the Plant Track teacher at Hexside, and Boscha works with Eda, making potions and elixirs for Viney and Camila's infirmary. Which caters to demons, animals, witches, and even humans (since Luz had opened a new portal to the Human Realm.)

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