Be Nice To Me, We're back

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Uhhh, I told myself I'd update last weekend but my cousin took me to Vegas for my birthday, soooo sorry have some more fluff

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Uhhh, I told myself I'd update last weekend but my cousin took me to Vegas for my birthday, soooo sorry have some more fluff. I'll try and have the next chapter up soon.

When Techno woke with a loud gasp and a jolt he proceeded to sit up and rub at his eyes, trying to remember anything.

They'd been running through a dark shaft and he couldn't really recall who all was with him, all he could remember was holding on to Vera's hand tightly as she hung off a ledge. Her grey eyes full of fear as he tried to hoist her up, they widened when her fingers slipped through his and then she was falling. The details of the dream started to slip away quickly and he was happy to realize it was only that.

He often had nightmares about losing his friends and family so this really wasn't new, however he was alarmed that it had suddenly been Vera.


His restlessness had immediately caught her attention, he'd begun twitching in his sleep and then turned over while letting out what sounded like an nervous hum. She started to make her way over to him when he let out an alarmed gasp and shot up to a sitting position. He began to furiously rub his eyes with his palms, before moving on to his forehead.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought back to Techno's mention of weird dreams and headaches and continued walking towards him.

"You okay?" Her voice sounded concerned and when Techno's eyes met hers as she neared, he let out a large breath he hadn't known he took in. Vera saw what looked like relief quickly overwhelm the fear he'd had in his eyes.

"Just a bad dream." He mumbled with a tired nod and looked down to continue to rub his forehead. He froze for a second before glancing up when he felt Vera's hand softly run through his hair.

Her free hand was holding out a water bottle for him and he took it with a grateful smile. He took a drink as she continued to let his hair trail between her fingers.

He opened his eyes when she stopped not even noticing when he'd closed them and saw Vera taking a seat next to him, so close their knees were now touching.

"Here." She offered, gesturing for him to take some bread. He wasn't hungry but took half the loaf anyway. "The sun should be rising soon and I think we have more than enough obsidian."

Techno nodded at her with a smile not quite reaching his eyes.


They'd walked pretty much all day when they left the cave, only stopping for quick breaks and to eat. Vera told Techno they'd make better time on their way home since they weren't stopping at her friends village and Techno only pretended to be relieved.

When sun down came they were still in the birch forest. Techno knew it'd take a while till he was free of the blinding trees but holy hell was he sick of them.

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