Part I- No Mercy

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Nat POV:
I was in the training room doing my workout when JARVIS interrupted me, "Ms. Romanoff you are needed in the meeting room." I unwrap my hands and gather my things to go there. "You needed me?" I say walking in to see Nick Fury and Tony Stark with concerned faces. I sit down near the two and raise an eyebrow as to what was going on. Fury breaks the silence and says "We seem to have a new threat come up but we're not entirely sure who or what it is. They seem to be a hidden organization, the only reason we've found them is because they wanted to be found. Meaning-" I cut him off before he can continue "they wanted us to find them. They're planning something." Stark and Fury nod their heads at me. "Well what do you guys need me for then?" Before Fury can reply Stark cuts in "That was my question as well Romanoff. Fury just let me go and take care of them. Or better yet just let Banner and I go. We'll kick their asses easily because I will have a Hulk with me." His tone was annoyed and sarcastic, typical Tony. Fury replies, "We don't need to take them down yet, we just need to see what and who we're dealing with. Now Stark, I know you can shoot at things and fly but last I checked the best spy I have on my team is Agent Romanoff, not you." Tony shrugged and rolled his eyes accepting his defeat. On his way out he says "Yeah, yeah, whatever Director Eye Patch." Fury rolls his eyes as we both chuckle. "So you need me to just stakeout what we're dealing with or is there more?" I ask. "I need you to see exactly who and what we are dealing with but I also need you to extract something. It's a liquid substance that could ultimately kill dozens of people when it's turned to a gas. All we know for sure is that they want to release it. We're not entirely sure where nor how many locations yet, we need you to find that out as well. Now Romanoff I trust you to not tell anyone about the extraction, wouldn't want to worry anyone yet. You leave tomorrow morning, to Germany, where we assume the substance is going to be. I'll send you the coordinates to the science lab where the substance is located once you arrive there. Assuming the substance is there and you successfully complete getting it then you can start tracking down the threat. It's not going to be easy, we assume that their best is going to also be extracting the substance, but you're better." I nod my head looking at the file reading about the mission I was given. "I won't let you down sir." I say walking back to my room to get packed. As I was walking back to my room, I bumped into Bruce. He had been trying to get me to have a relationship with him but I wasn't really looking for anything. I was taught that love is for children and he wasn't really my type. He tried to make conversation with me but I used the excuse of having to pack for my mission to avoid that. Love just isn't for me.

Sage POV:
I was sitting with family having dinner as they were discussing and planning our next move to attack the locations we have chosen, the White House, the Pentagon, and the Avenger's Compound. The attack on the White House and the Pentagon would take place after we take down the Avenger's. Attacking these two places were really just to show just how much power we really had and make Hydra known again. The Avenger's Compound was our first and priority attack. It was personal when it came to them, they destroyed all of our work along with the Hydra facilities, well almost all of them. Hydra may have not been the most powerful but they were smart. They always had, what some would call, an insurance in case things went to shit. And well, things went to shit leading us to come to the secret Hydra facility in Germany. No one knew about this facility except for two families and certain top soldiers. It wasn't anywhere on the grid, completely untraceable. The last few years after the takedown of Hydra we fled here and started planning out our mission. After completely planning it out and getting heat off of Hydra it was time to make our presence known again. It was time to hurt the Avengers like they hurt us. Hydra was and still is my family's life, and the Avengers took a lot of that from my us. After a while my dad, Ezekiel Kano (who was the leader of the base), broke me out of my thoughts "We need you to go extract the substance tomorrow at the lab we visited last week. No one else should be there so it should be a quick in and out mission. If anyone is there, you kill them. No mercy." I look at him with determination in my eyes and a smile on my face, "No mercy father." "Why can't I go? I'm sure I would do better than her," my idiot sister, Mal cuts in. Before I could reply my mother, Rita, replies "Because she is next in line to be the leader of this base. She needs to prove herself worthy, which she already has plenty but more doesn't hurt." I look at her with a smile and nod my head in thanks. "Ah mother, we all know Sage is more than worthy already" my brother, Ryker, says. I look at my sister with a smirk and mouth 'loser' at her causing her to roll her eyes. The relationship with my sister has always been bad, I wanted to have a good one like the one me and Ryker had but she always pushed me away. I knew she was jealous of me being next in line to be the leader but it wasn't my fault I was born first. Ryker and I's relationship was the best, he had my back and I had his. He's my best friend.
After a while we finished dinner and went to our rooms. I was laying down on my bed when a knock disrupted the silence. "Come in." When I looked up a wide smile grew on my face, there stood Etana Osiris. The Osiris' were the second family to know about this place and they fled with us when Hydra went to shit. "Hi my love," she says making her way to me sitting on my lap. "Hey baby, how was your day?" "Good, I heard you have the extraction mission tomorrow. Please be safe, I can't lose you." I look at her placing a kiss on her lips. She was always so caring and loving, I never really knew how to be like that. Her love language was affection and romantic words and gestures, mine was mainly touch. It was the only way I knew how to express my feelings, not all that lovey dovey crap. "Well no matter what you can't lose me. Literally, my abilities make it somewhat impossible." I reply causing her to giggle. We were both the last experiments until Hydra fell, I have the ability to heal others and myself to a certain extent and she had super speed. "Let's get to sleep, I'm pretty tired." I agree and we both climb into bed. She cuddles up to me and whispers half asleep "Goodnight. I love you." Those three words shocked me. Love? I never really believed in love which is awful because here I am, with a girlfriend, who just said she loves me. What do I do? I can't say it back. Instead I just act as if I had already drifted off to sleep. I was never really taught about love, my family's motto is literally 'no mercy.' Hopefully she would just forget about me not saying it back. I eventually drift to sleep, for real this time, so I could get enough sleep before my mission tomorrow.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoy this story, don't be scared to give some feedback on what I can do to make any of my stories better! I want to make sure you guys get into it as well. Any recommendations you may have now or later on will be greatly appreciated, just lmk!:)

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