Part VI- Language!

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Sage POV:
After I shot Natasha with the tranquilizer gun, I ran out of the hotel room and made my way back to the Hydra base. In order to avoid everyone I climbed in through my window and took a quick shower. I hated having to choose between someone who I love and my family but I couldn't turn my back on them. My thoughts kept going back to the files Nat had showed me and I couldn't help but think maybe someone did know another truth about Hydra. I rushed to get changed into some sweats and a baggy t-shirt and made my way down to my fathers office. Not even bothering to knock on the door, I burst into his office causing him to jolt up from his seat and raise a gun towards me, "oh calm down old man it's just me." When he realized it was his daughter he lowered his gun and said, "what happened to knocking? I could've shot you! Also Etana told your mother and I about your little break up, you better get your shit together and go make up with her before you lose the only person who will actually put up with you." I scoff and take a seat in front of his desk, "I don't need your input on my love life nor do I care much about that right now. I need answers, no bullshit."

"What answers do you need sweetheart."

"Tell me what Hydra is."

He chuckled lightly and said, "Sage I don't understand? Didn't you pass your history class they made you take on Hydra?"

I sighed and raised my voice, "just tell me! I want to fucking hear it from you!"

He raised his hands in the air in defeat and sent a small smile, "First of all, don't use that language with me. Second of all, Hydra is an organization that does the greater good for those who are affected by organizations such as the Avengers. Yes their methods are questionable at times but they help people like us."

I study him to see if he's lying but his body language looks genuine. Maybe Natasha was just trying to make Hydra look bad, footage was easy to manipulate nowadays. As bad as I wanted to believe my father something in my gut made me believe I was wrong. "Yeah, I'm sorry I had doubts. Let me know when we will be going through with the rest of the plan since we already have the substance."

"Get your mind out of the gutter Sage, soon you'll be leading right from where I'm sitting. Your family will need you. I'll let you know."

With that I nod towards him and make my way out of his office and back to my room. I check the clock and see it's already 2 in the morning. My thoughts wonder to Natasha and the footage. It looked so real, something in my gut told me something was off. I decided to ignore it and get some sleep.

By the time I woke up it was already 10 in the morning and as if on cue my brother knocked on my door before letting himself in. He made his way to me and said, "breakfasts ready, I really miss you. We all do, we know you've been busy with the mission but can you please at least eat with us today." I stretch and sit up extending my arms out to him. He comes into my arms and I hug him tight, I can't seem to remember the last time we hugged let alone even talked. Ever since I started this mission and met Natasha I've been so consumed to the point I basically forgot about the most important person in my life. "I'm sorry little bro, let's go eat and then we can go to the mall, okay?" He pulled away from me and smiled wide and exclaimed, "okay! Just you and me though, Etana and Mal suck the life out of everything." I laugh and nod in agreement pulling him out of my room and down to eat breakfast. The truth is, I loved my family I did. But when it came to my brother, Ryker, it was different. I basically raised that kid, yes my parents before Sokovia were great but they always left it to me when it came to my brother and sister. I was in charge of bathing and feeding them, making sure they did their homework and got to bed early enough to get good rest. Ryker and I grew a bond during these times but Mal always thought I was just doing these things to push my parents away from them. She blamed me for my parents neglect towards them when they were younger and I couldn't blame her so I just let her. My parents did eventually improve and Mal attached to them quickly but Ryker always knew the sacrifices I had to make when my parents wouldn't step up to the plate. My main focus when it came to family was him and everything I was doing was to ensure he could have a better life than me. Which is why I had to make sure we were on the right side of things. After breakfast my brother and I changed and made our way to the nearest mall. While we were in one of the stores I could tell something was off, I could feel someone following us. "Ryker, we're going to walk to the hall where the restrooms are okay bud. I need you to go in and lock yourself in the restroom and only come out when I give you our secret knock okay?" He slowly nodded his head and I could tell he was scared. Seeing him like this hurt but I needed him to know how serious this may be. We made our way towards to secluded hall and he went inside the bathroom immediately locking the door. I had my back turned so that the person approaching couldn't tell I was onto them. As I was about to turn around they threw my back against the wall and held their hand over my mouth. My eyes went wide as I realized who it was.

Love and Warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें