Part V- Truth

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Sage POV:
When I woke up I noticed my hands were tied above my head. Shit, she knows. Maybe this is just one of her kinks or something. I try to play it off cool, "Well, this is kinky." Her body language told me everything I needed to know, "Oh. I wouldn't be so confident right now Alexandra. Or should I call you Sage?" I know I shouldn't be feeling this right now, but the way my name fell of her lips was like heaven. No. No, Sage now is not the time for that. Well this is definitely not what I was expecting. Instead of fighting it, I accept my defeat.

She demands and demands for answers but I choose to play dumb. After a while she says words that make my stomach drop and go wide eyed, "Fine. I guess we'll do this the hard way." Natasha couldn't ever really hurt me, could she? As she walks away to get something I plead, "please Nat, I have no idea about a substance or anything." After a while she finally comes back with a silver briefcase. Something in my gut told me I was in danger, I needed to break free. As I tried to break the restraints around my wrists, I figured I would only hurt myself more as they weren't budging which didn't really matter because my powers just kept healing me. But the toll it was taking on my body was becoming unbearable.

She opens the briefcase and reaches inside, pulling out a small dagger. Natasha makes her way towards me and looks me in the eye before saying, "this is your last chance Sage. Please I don't want to hurt you but I won't hesitate to do so." I study her eyes and can tell she's telling the truth. I lower my head and chuckle lowly shaking my head before looking back at her, "do what you have to do Natasha." After my statement I look back down and spit beside both our feet to let her know how I can take what's about to come. She tightens her grip around the dagger and moves it in the air away from my body then brings it towards my leg powerfully causing me to close my eyes in preparation for the pain I am about to endure. After a few seconds of no pain I open my eyes and look down at the dagger inches away from my leg, if I were to so much as accidentally flinch slightly, it could cut me easily. I look back at her to see her staring at the dagger as well, tears welding her eyes. It was like she was trying to move her hand but she couldn't. "Nat" I whispered, breaking her out of her frozen state. As she looked at me her face was filled with confusion and hurt. We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds instinctively leaning into each other. We finally close the gap between each other causing her to drop the dagger on the floor and wrap her hands around my neck. The kiss was still passionate and filled with want, as I craved more and tried to deepen the kiss even more, the restraints held me back. After a while she suddenly pulls back and slaps me, quickly backing away from me.

"How dare you kiss me after lying to me about everything" she says.

I reply, "I'm not the only one went into the kiss or who lied."

"Oh please. I don't care about your identity, I care that you played with my feelings Sage. I opened up to you and fell for you! And the worst part is that you let me, it was all a lie!"

"It wasn't a lie Natasha! You were unexpected okay. I didn't even know you were against us all I knew was that you were someone who made me feel things that I've always tried to push down. My feelings, my words for you were never ever a lie!"

I sighed and lowered my head and said something I would have never said to anyone, but Natasha was different. I could trust her, my gut told me I could. She made me do things I've never done, "I'll tell you some information if you tell me information about you as well." She turned back to look at me in shock, "how do I know you won't just be lying?"

"Well I guess you just have to trust me because I trust you."

She stared at me for a while before nodding yes and pulling up a chair to sit in front of me. I look at her with a small smile and start to spill almost everything about myself. "Well, as you know my name is not Alexandra Kosh. My name is Sage Kano, I was one of the last Hydra experiments before the goddamn Avengers took us down. Hydra was my family's life, they took us in and helped us in ways the government let alone the Avengers or whatever could've helped. My abilities consist of healing, I can heal myself and others. I was supposed to get more but when Hydra fell we had to go through with different plans. We- I need that substance to prove my worth to take over leadership." There I told her information, enough for her to know who and what we are but not enough to really harm the mission, "your turn."

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