Part II- Enemies

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Sage POV:
As I was waking up I noticed the weight of Etana on my chest wasn't there anymore. I reached for her half of the bed and didn't feel anything, I figured she got up early to use the restroom or say goodbye to me before I left for my mission. As I started to wake up and my eyes adjusted to light I noticed someone sitting at the edge of the bed. "You didn't say it back." It was Etana. "I don't know what you're talking about" I mumble, trying to avoid this conversation from happening. "Look, I've been patient because I know feelings aren't easy for you but we've been dating for almost 2 years now and I have been fine with you not saying it back but I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling like I'm the only one in love in the relationship." I had shifted my body up so I was sitting beside her keeping some distance, "Look Etana, I'm sorry but I just can't say something that I can't physically feel. It has nothing to do with you okay it's me. I just- I don't know how to feel what you feel or love you the way you need me to. I'm in this relationship but I just can't give you what you want." She finally looks at me, tears were going down her face. I know I should feel guilty for not being able to be who she needs me to be but I just can't feel it. It's like I have no emotion towards my relationship probably ending and I hated it, I wish I could feel the emotions she felt. She finally breaks the silence, "then I'm done. I can't wait for you to love me anymore because if after 2 years you still don't feel it then you never will. We're done." Something in me stung for a second and tears started to form but it was easy to ignore them. 'No mercy' As she was walking out I said in a stern tone, "Fine. If that's what you want then whatever, I don't care, but we can't let this get in the middle of the job we have to do." She stopped by the doorway with her back facing me, "I'm not a little kid. I know how to separate things, as always the job is more important to you. And you proved my point, you don't care, I was the only one in love in this relationship." Before I could reply she had already left. She was right, I never really cared or loved her but it's just that I didn't know how to. I decided to leave a while before my mission so I could go to a bar and get my mind off things. 'As always the job is more important to you,' her words played through my head. Of course it was, nothing was more important than my job what type of statement even was that. As I was taking a drink the bells from the front door to the bar brought me out of my thoughts. I took a glance to see who walked in. When I saw the woman with red hair and emerald green eyes I felt something in my chest. It was an unfamiliar feeling I haven't ever felt, my whole body warmed and I had this urge to approach her. I must've been glanced for a little too long because she made eye contact with me and smirked. I quickly looked away and mentally cursed at myself, I never get myself in these situations. Girls chase me, not the other way around, so I just naturally assumed she would approach me. After a while of her completely ignoring me I decide to do something I never do, approach her myself.

Nat POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I forced myself to get up and get everything ready so I could be early for my flight. As I approached the quinjet Fury was there waiting for me. "Once you get there you'll have a few hours to settle in before you have to go to the lab and extract the substance. If you need any help at any time contact me and we'll have your back up there in no time. I trust you to get this done." After packing my things in the jet I reply, "Yes sir, I've had harder missions." He smiles and nods before the door closes. For most of the flight I just sleep and read a book. When we finally land I get a text from Fury, 'I'll  send you the coordinates to the lab when we need you to go.' With that I just go check and settle in my hotel room. After a while I get bored and decide to take a walk and look around. As I was walking I came across a bar and decided to check it out. When I walked in a girl with y/h/c braided hair glanced towards me. Her gaze must've lasted longer than she intended because when I made eye contact and smirked at her she turned back to her drink. I could tell she was embarrassed. Instead of approaching her about her being obviously flustered, I decided to play the long game. I sat at a seat in front of her but far away. I could tell she was contemplating what to do. She had this cutest confused expression on her face, something about her made me feel a type of feeling I never really felt for anyone. It was something different and new to me, it kinda scared. She wanted me to approach her, I could tell. Instead of giving in to her flirtatious glances I decided to make it seem like I was ignoring her. My plans eventually worked because she started motioning towards me.

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