Day By Day...

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******Ami's POV******
'Ma'am. Ma'am. Can you hear me?'
I open my eyes and see people I've never seen before. Freaking out, I sit up quickly looking around for Gavin, right as I see him Im forced to lay back down by a man in a police uniform.
'Ma'am you need to take it easy till the medics get here.'

'Wh....,' I stutter, 'where's Gavin...? Where is he?!?! Is he ok?!?! Where!!!'
'Ma'am, he's.....' The Officer paused in mid-sentence looking back at the door.
'HE IS WHAT?!?!' I jump up before he can stop me and run in the house to see Gavin standing over my brothers lip body. He has blood all over his face from his nose bleeding, his eyes watery, he shaking. I run up to him, beat hugging him. He wraps his arms around me, 'Thank God... You ok.' He holds me tight like he's clinging to something he just got back and it fixing to leave again.
I hear groans of pain and look down at Dereck, 'You piece of shit.' I spit on him.

I know it's short but I though YALL might want something to read. I would right more but I'm tired and in pain. Love you my French Fries😂❤️👌😍

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