Chapter two ^-^

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Ami's P.O.V.

"Stop looking at me like that! You creep!!!!!!" I say giggling. I grab my Mitch Lucker shirt and my ripped purple skinny jeans.

"Hey ya know, you could just wear shorts cause it's like 1000 degrees outside." Gavin says trying not to smile.

"Oh shush you just wanna see a little skin," I say sticking my tongue out at him, "but you could turn around so I can get dressed."

Gavin pouts a little and walks out the room giving me some privacy. I out on my clothes and suddenly I hear the door slam. 'Why have guests? Must be one of moms friends' I think to myself as I walk out my door and head down stairs to see Gavin pigging out on my Nutella.

I stand there with my hands on my hips, tapping my foot, waiting for him to turn around, but suddenly I'm picked up from behind as a hand is placed over my mouth.

My eyes go wide as I try to scream and get out of this persons grip but sadly my efforts are worthless against this persons strength.

"Hahaha. You've always been so weak little sis." I here my brothers voice. Whisper in my ear.

My eyes go wider than before as I tear up trying to scream louder than before. I start kicking and as soon as I kicked Gavin turned around with wide eyes ,as well.


Cliff hanger? Probably.

Updating soon!!

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