Chapter 6: Why Me?

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Monday August 10th

~*Zayn's POV *~

I kept scrolling through my twitter feed and nothing new seemed to pop up. I exited out of my twitter app and locked my phone. I turned over and propped myself up on my shoulder to see Leah slowly falling asleep as she wrote something.

In the next couple of minutes she was asleep. She was quite beautiful asleep. She was also very different from every other girl I've ever met. Normally by now I'd be naked and shagging the new girl. Mainly because they threw themselves at me. But Leah, she was a feisty one and I know for the next week, she'll be a pain in my ass, but in all honesty, I really don't mind. I like new things.

When I had left her to walk by herself out in the middle of Bradford I felt bad, but she got on my nerves and started to judge me when she barely knew anything about me. The only thing she knows is my name and that I have the world's bitchiest sister. I still need to apologize for that. When Vanessa slapped her, I wanted to defend Leah for some reason, but I couldn't just get myself to say "I'm sorry" I know, it's just two simple words, but I never apologize for anything. Not to mention Vanessa has a mind of her own. I can't control everything she does.

I quietly got up off her bed and pulled one of her small duvets from the corner of her bed and gently placed it on her. Then I took her laptop off slowly trying not to wake her up and decided to look through it.

I clicked out of her twitter and went to her photos. There were tons. Most of them were her and I'm going to guess her mum. Boy is her mum, pretty damn hot, now I see where she gets her looks from. And I'm guessing the blonde girl in half of the pictures was her best friend.

I kept going through all of them and one caught my eye. It was Leah, her mother, and father. She looked to be around the age of five. She had the forehead bangs and shorter hair which made her look adorable. Although, in most family pictures you'd expect everyone to be happy, but they didn't seem to be all too happy. They looked upset, especially Leah. I scrolled down just a little and read a caption to the photo.

"Big happy family." Was all it read. Maybe I should ask her about this. But then again I'd seem kind of weird for looking through her laptop. Maybe I'll just keep this to myself. What she doesn't know won't hurt her right?

I went through a couple more and saw a photo of her and some guy kissing. I read the description.

"Austin! 5.14.2018"

So this must be her boyfriend. I looked at the picture in disgust. They weren't cute together, kind of awkward if you ask me. Plus she was way out of his league. Leah could do so much better, I mean come on what is she doing with a guy like that? We'd be a better fit if that were to actually ever happen. It won't but if it did, we'd be a good looking couple.

I closed her laptop and laid back down in her very comfortable bed. I laid on my side facing her so I could watch her sleep. She was beautiful awake or asleep and I really do feel bad about Vanessa slapping her. As I was watching her sleep, I felt a vibration in my pocket and looked at who was calling me. It was Harry.

"Hello?" I answered. I didn't hear much, it was just a bunch of muffled laughs and breathing. I swear if Harry is drunk dialing me again.

"Zayn, where are you mate? We're all at Liam's house. We're still on for tomorrow right?" He asked me.

Right, tomorrow. I was supposed to go with the guys and pick up some money a guy owes us. It was basically my job to do. I'm in one of the most known gangs in all of London. It doesn't matter where you live, we were known. It was my father who made our last name so known. He was notorious for the things he's done. He was a relentless, show no mercy, kind of man. He didn't care who you were, if you got on his bad side, or disobeyed orders you were in for it. Don't even get me started on the people who tried to fight back or lowball my dad on money or product.

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