Chapter 13: Chase

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Wednesday September 1st

Samantha's POV

My ringing alarm blared throughout my silent room. I groaned, flipping over and grabbing my cellphone to unlock it and turn it off. Today was September 1st. And every September 1st I'm "sick" because it was my brother's birthday. I like to spend all day with him.

I ducked back under my covers and slowly closed my eyes. Then reopened them when my mum came barging into my room.

"Get up and get ready for school Samantha! You don't need to be tardy for class again. I'm tired of getting calls." It's like my mum completely forgot about Chase's birthday. It's like she completely forgot about him.

"But I think I'm getting sick. Flu has been going around school and I don't feel so good." I said grabbing onto my stomach and fake coughing.

"Bullshit Samantha, now please get up. I understand it's Chase's birthday, but you can't keep skipping school because of it. Now get up and get dressed, you have ten minutes understand?" I rolled my eyes, but nonetheless I got up and picked out my clothes.

Nothing but a simple striped sweater and jeans. Honestly I did feel like shit. I felt like I was going to puke, but obviously my mum didn't care about me or Chase for that matter.

It's been a year since I've visited Chase's grave. Normally I'd spend the whole day at his grave with a bottle of alcohol in my hand crying my eyes out. Always blaming myself for what happened. He was too young to die. Only 16. He'd be 19 today.

And what's even worse about his death, I was there to witness it. I saw the man pull the trigger and shoot him straight in the chest. And then the man ran. I was 15 at the time. And to see everything that had happened mentally scarred me for life.

I looked up at my mirror and noticed I was crying. I hadn't even felt the tears touch my skin. I shook my head and dried them up quickly.

No crying today Sammy. Put on a good smile and pretend everything's alright. I mean that's what you're good at anyways. Right? I nodded and walked downstairs. My mom had been in the kitchen busy making me some lunch, so I decided to take a little stroll down into my basement that was turned into a little cellar full of wine and alcohol and found the perfect little bottles of vodka. And with my luck, my mum stocked up with a bunch of little bottles.

I placed one into my bag, then two, three, four... eight. That should hold me off for the day. I zipped back up my bag and quietly made my way back up the stairs. I sighed in relief when I noticed my mum still in the kitchen.

"I'm ready to go." I mumbled. She looked up at me and gave me a little smile. Handed me my lunch and walked out the door.

- - -

I got to school and it felt like everyone was staring at me. Like they all knew what day it was. How much today meant to me. But in reality, everyone was talking away, being themselves, and minding their own business. Ignoring me like always. Which for once today, I didn't mind. I wanted to be ignored. I didn't want anyone to notice me at all, but having friends it's a little hard.

"Hey Sam!" Leah called out. I sighed and turned to face her. She had a big warm smile on her face, one I haven't seen in awhile actually. I forced out a small smile myself and walked up to her.

"Hey." I mumbled.

"So I have two free movie tickets, and was wondering if you wanted to come with me today? If you say no I have to take Jennifer." Leah rambled.

"No thanks. I've got things to do today."

"Oh. Well what's better than going to the movies?" She chuckled. I honestly found nothing funny. But I couldn't blame her, she didn't know what was wrong or who's birthday it was today.

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