Day 67

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"I'm not going to lie about it, at least, not any more." You grimace.

I watch your interview with Woody, my heart in my throat the entire time.

"I didn't feel it was anyone's right to know, especially since I hadn't figured myself out either."

"You didn't think people should know you were struggling with your sexuality, even while taking on a gay role on tv?" Woody asked.

You rub your fingers together in your little nervous habit.

"I wasn't really struggling. It was more of an apathy and confusion. The one guy I was attracted to didn't have any attraction to me, so I thought it was just this one little thing. I didn't really think about a label."

"When did you label yourself and do you want the world to know those labels?"

You lean towards Woody, your face earnest and thoughtful. "I labeled myself only recently, and had a long talk with my family. I'm a fairly private person and there are some things even they don't know. I never really planned on anyone ever knowing because it was something I never expected to be real. I still don't feel up to discussing it. I hope my fans can understand." Your eyes dart nervously towards the screen.

"What about the LGBT community?" Woody asks, his gaze a little sharper.

You clasp your hands together to stop your nervous fidgeting. "I want to take a bigger role in the community. I don't know what that means yet for the life I've lived until now or my career in the future, but we' II see."

Woody nodded in understanding, then got a sly smile on his face, leaning toward you like your closest confidante.

"So that man in the photo isn't a boyfriend?"

You scoff and shake your head. "No, just an old crush who turned out to be a very different person to the one I built up in my head."

I'm sorry he disappointed you and betrayed you, but I can't be sorry that things didn't work out, otherwise you wouldn't be with me.

"What about Bright?"

We both jerk like we've been electrocuted. You look terrified you're going to have to discuss one more thing you're not ready to discuss.

"What?" You ask with a shaky laugh, a light sheen of sweat glittering on your skin.

"He's extremely handsome isn't he?"

There were some shouts of agreement from the studio audience and you blushed. You looked so adorable.

"You've worked with him over a year now and there was a bit of cuddling on set. There's no way you didn't develop a little crush?"

You're a shade of red I've never seen before and Woody thankfully takes pity on you.

"Don't tell my husband, but I might have a crush too." You both laugh, have a few parting words, and finally, it's over.

I immediately text you.

> Are you alright?!

< ...

< I need you.

< I need you

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