Once his

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Louis POV

There she was. The girl he thought he would get over faster then over anyone else. He thought that she was just a girl in his life he liked and then she was gone. She was the one who ended the relationship because she had to get her life together and now she stood there in her room, singing and dancing to her favorite song, her blue LED lights on, smiling like she once smiled at him.

He didn't thought that he was madly in love with her, probably just because he was already used to the feeling she gave him. She always did these little things, things he started to noticed as they were gone. She made him laugh so hard that he had to lay on the floor because he wasn't able to stand up straight anymore.

She was the one who would emotionally support him and find a solution for his problems. She was the one who made his life more interesting and varied. But also She was the one who had so many problems and issues that she couldn't be in a relationship anymore.

So now he is standing on the street looking up in her room because he missed her.
There was not one day she wouldn't be on his mind. And now seeing her happy made him happier then he was in the last few months. The months without her.

What this girl did to him was indescribable, so many emotions flood in him just by seeing her.

But will what once was his be it again...

Hi bitches hope you are having an amazing day and don't forget to eat and drink because you deserve every bit of it. xx

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