Don't leave me..please

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I'm reading it over rn and OMG this is so bad plss don't read this if you cringe fast. Also my writing skills improved over time so maybe just skip this chapter thx<3

It was the last one. The fight where a decision gets made. If you win, you will have everything you ever wanted. The land, the people, the respect, the weapons. But that's also what the other kingdom would get if you loose.

You stood there on the opposite of their king. A dagger in his hand and a sword in yours. This is your life, fighting for everything and at the end not even able to enjoy it because other ones want to take it from you. Happiness, money, freedom, respect, all of that was what you fight for for yourself.

The king stood there blood on his hands from killing everyone who was in his way of winning and earning everything you fought for.
"Come on y/n do you want to loose and die or just the first one?"  I scoffed because of his big ass ego. "Listen, my whole life I fought for everything, to be respected, to give people what they want and im not going to just give up and give you everything just so you can have everything you wanted but were to lazy and untalented to get. So I won't do either of those two"

and with that y/n swung her sword to the left,  the dagger flying around in the air, pushing the sword onto his neck and pulling it thru.
Everyones eyes widened at what just happened. With this simple but meaning move you won, everything was yours.

Louis POV:
I saw her stand there. She was my best friend for the longest time and I saw everything damaging her, her mother, the power, the responsibility, the work, the anxiety everything broke her at the end.
As much as I wanted to help her and protect her I couldn't, it was her responsibility to run the kingdom and she was amazing one of the best we ever had. Now seeing her win was the best thing I would ever see in my life.

No ones POV:

A shadow came running to her as she turned around the kings dagger was picked up and the person stung the dagger into y/n's back.

Y/n POV:
I Saw someone running to me I turned around as fast as i could but too late. I heard screams all around me. The person who just stabed me pulled down their hood and reviled my mother. My mother who raised me thinking I wasn't enough, who started this war but not on my side but on theirs, my mother who wanted to rule our kingdom but my father knew that it was better done by me.

My jealous, ignorant, evil, stubborn, devious mother who just killed her own daughter to rule the kingdom herself.
My breath went faster tears running down my cheeks. " Mother? Why? It's me! Your own child! Why?" Tears now also rolled down her cheeks. "Because the day your father died he made a wrong decision. To not let his wife but his child rule. I raised you. I DID THAT. I taught you and he thanks me with giving my kingdom to you. That's not fair".

She said always screaming because of her anger against her own child. "You did nothing. Father taught me everything. You raised me but you raised me thinking I wasn't enough and that I couldn't do anything by myself. And you are right it's not fair but it was the right decision because look at you. You killed me". She stood there crying, my guards taking her away.

Louis POV:
Tears dripped down my cheeks. Crying because seeing my love dying. I ran up to her after the conversation with her so called "mother".
"Louis don't cry. Everything has to come to an end and it's unfair that some are earlier then others but you can't change that." Said y/n while swiping away his tears. "No y/n i don't want to loose you I can't. We need each other! And you can't go now because we need you everyone does. " more tears slipped out my eyes making my vision go blurry some times.

"Lou look at me you will always have me by your side even if you can't see me-" she whispered but got cut off by Louis "but i need to see you. I need to hold you. I need to hug you. OK. I love you and i need you here so pls don't go. "  sobs escaping Louis and y/n mouth. "Louis i love you too more than anyone but i can't pick if I want to stay or not." she said, her knees already giving away.

"Please y/n please" he whispered, their faces so close to each other that they could feel their breaths against their skin. "I can't" and with that she gave him a kiss looked in his eyes and closed them with the last thing she saw in her life being him. 

Her love

Pls this is so sad and cringey but ok. Have a nice day and don't forget to eat and drink because you bitches deserve it.

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