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 " ~start what I finshed~"

"~don't need no hold up~"

"~taking control of this kind of moment~"


Maxine was tapping her pen waiting for her last class to end. She wanted to go to go home and lay in her bed. Maybe even cry a little. One thing, she liked was crying infront of her bathroom mirrior. It never called her weak or sensitive and comforted her. After, she was done crying. She would laugh until she realized there was nothing to cry about. Maybe she needed some help.

b r i n g!

Finally the godly bell was here to save her from Hawkins High School. As she walked through the halls. Maxine was studying each and every student. There was Betty Hovemen who was very artsy and shy. There seemed to be groups of teens in the school. There was the populars, sports, art, wierdos, books marts, but the problem for her was that she didn't have a group to belong in. She was excelled in school only because she was at the libary to escape home and also played volleyball. Her teamates and peers were only interested in her when they needed help with school work. Max could feel eyes on her and she hated it. She knew because of Mike stepping down from his high school throne to hang out with a loser, he caused a lot of drama.

Maxine  trying to  walk outside the school gripping on to her skateboard. All she wanted to do was to get home and take a nap. Or listen to the big sequoia tree leaves bristling in the air. She loved that tree so much. It was the only peaceful thing in her house. Best of all it was by her room. She had a big window in her room that lets her enjoy it. After billy's death, she switched rooms. Which meant she slept in Billy's old room and Billy's old room was the attic. Maxine cleaned it and made it into her style while listening to Material Girl. Even, when she got beaten in that room, she felt safe because she feel Billy watching her and comforting her. Max could feel Billy's wrath and sometimes his "ghost" would give neil karma. For example, once after Neil hit Max so hard, she fainted but woke up after hearing a crash. It was Neil that crashed, he has been walking down the stairs and tripped causing him to break his neck and two ribs. It felt good for Max since before calling 911, she made him beg and plead for a hospital. After, the  ambulance came and got neil. She went back to her room and as she looked in the mirror, she saw Billy giving her a warm smile but when she rubbed her eyes Billy wasn't there. But now she knew she was safe. Maxine snapped out of her thoughts when she fell onto the cold floor. Everyone turned around and laughed at her. Maxine could feel her face becoming warm and feeling pathetic.

But this wasn't any normal fall, this was as if someone forced her to fall. She  immediately got up and she was right. There she was, queen of hawkins high school, Eleven Hopper.  It seemed to weird because everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and watch forming a big circle around them. Maxine was a little embrassed by the stares. She looked around, it looked like the whole

M="What do you want, Eleven!"

E=" don't lie, you bitch ass whore"

M="Wow, I didn't even know you could speak."

E="You stole mike, my mike"

M="whatever, you don't own mike so leave me alone jane."

E="did you just call me jane."

M="Are you deaf or lacking brain cells? You heard what I said."

Maxine knew she hit a weak spot. Eleven hated the name Jane since it reminded her of Hopper. Max was studying El. Max could see her intense eyes becoming wet. Max knew Eleven could kill her but she also knew that Eleven wouldn't hurt her to protect her image so Maxine decided to ruin it for her. Maxine looked around the hall, almost every single student in school was watching the two girls. This was her chance to give justice to the outcasts and people that had to endure Eleven's touture. Maxine walked right in front of the girl who bullied her merciless over the past years. 

M="You think your so damn special but really your not. You are just another depressed teenager who's dad died. So mind your own fucking business and fuck off," Max said this so bravely and every word seemed to have venom stuck with it.

 Maxine pushed Eleven to onto the cold concrete and grabbed her stuff. Eleven was so shocked, she couldn't move. Eleven started to cry infront of her peers, minions, everyone. She began to ugly cry and that is one the best ways, to become a school loser. The students were smiling or was shocked. Everyone was happy, that the queen was gone. As Max started to walk away with a sleathy smirk on her face, people began clapping and cheering. In the crowd was the old party, lucas began to realize what a badass he lost, the whole party did. They realized that they traded off a beatiful, smart badass for popularity only for them to be the new losers of Hawkin's High School.  Will and his boyfriend were proud as hell. Will and Max weren't best friends but they still remained in touch.  Will didn't have the heart to break off Max. But, that only caused Dustin, Lucas, Eleven and a big majority of the school to call him slurs like faggots. Will got little comfort from Mike and sometimes Mike would even stand up for him but the duo weren't as close. Luckily, after Mike started to hang out with Max, Will and Mike started to hang out again.


 h o l y       s  h i t!

What did I just do. My mind acts out everything that just happened. I feel suddenly so powerful but, I was also worried that Eleven would beat me up for it. I must admit it felt nice to such dangerous act, I didn't want it too end. So I stormed off to Micheal's house feeling confident in what I was about to do.

As I walk to the Wheelers residence. I feel a rush of nervousness go over me. This is normal, right? I am sure, when someone knows who they want to lose their virginty with and it's about happen gets nervous. I open the door to find a quiet house. Good. Nobody's home, I can do this in peace. I walk up the stairs quietly, I see Mike's door open. I smile when I see Mike using the notes, I gave him to study. I quietly go inside his room and put a hand on his shoulder. 


I startled but as I arch my head, I see a hand with black nail polish. I hear a giggle that when I knew Max was there. "Hi Max" She takes her hand down my shirt and whispers in my ears. "hi michelle, wanna touch me, I know you want too." I blush heavily as her finger tips circle my chest. "Unless you don't want to, but  I see the way you look at me, eyes filled with desire and lust." I nod in agreement.(A/N= consent is the sexist thing alive) She began to kiss and nimble my sore neck. Once, she found my sweet spot, I whimper. I can feel her smirking and leaving a mark. We repostion  and sit on my bed. Our lips touch, and I try to fight it but I melt into kiss. She puts her tounge in my mouth, eating every single inch of me. Damn, I feel like I am on a cloud, Lucas was a lucky man too bad the tables had switched. We break apart the from kiss. "Goddamn Mayfield." She smirked in response. She puts my hand on her leg and gives my a tender kiss on the cheek. "Touch me, Micheal. I am all yours for tonight."

A/N, Wow! This is the longest I ever wrote. Please comment, like , and vote. Don't be a slient reader!

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