I've decide that I will be switching Ellie to Y/N. I am writing another book with Y/N and I keep mixing them up. So, yeah. 

Anyways, on with the story

(Still Minho's POV)

I make more turns but everything looks the same. I don't know where I am or where I've been. I'm lost. Yay... Just as I'm about to give up, the ground starts to shake. I hear rumbling as loud as thunder. I follow the sound and sure enough, there were the doors. 

I walk in then, the boy who yanked me out of the box come over to me. He pushes me into the ground.

"What the hell shank?" he spits into my face. "While you were out in-in whatever the shuck is out there, we made some rules. And you just broke one."

Rules? Why would there be rules? "Yeah? What are you going to do about it?"

"Gally no!" It was a girl's voice. I turn around and sure enough, there's a girl. Why didn't I see her before. 

"Ellie! He broke our rules, we have to do something to him."

"And we will Gally. Newt and Alby will come up with something, but for now he stays here. If you don't mind, I need to speak to the Greenie. Greenie, follow me." She starts walking away but before she leaves, she heads over to the blonde boy who's giving me a death stare. Is he jealous? Are they together?

She says something to him and he lightens up. "I'll be back Newt." She starts walking to a covered shelter with hammocks under it. "Hey Greenie, I probably shouldn't be asking you this but, what did you see out there? None of us have gone out there because we didn't know if there was something but, I really want to know, what's out there."

"There wasn't anything much, just walls. I think it's a maze, there was something else too. A monster. It was like a huge blob with metal spider legs coming out of it."

"Was that it? Could you draw it?"

"I can try."

"Thanks!" She hands me a piece of paper and and pencil and right before I start drawing Newt and some other guy, with darker skin, walk in. 

"Newt, Alby. Hi."

"Ellie, what did you ask the Greenie?"

"Uhh.. Nothing."

"Alby and I have made a decision," the blond boy said with a thick English accent, "We are having Gally build a jail like thing. We're calling it the slammer. The Greenie will go in there for a few days." He finishes then the 2 boys leave the room. 

"Hey Ellie? Do you mind telling me the rules that you guys made?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. Rule 1, never ever harm another glader (that's what we call ourselves) rule number 2, no time for freeloaders. Do your work. Number 3, never EVER go beyond the doors. Since you broke the rule I guess you'll be going into this new slammer thing. The last is rule 4. No dating. Or anything like that." As she said that last part, she got sadder. Her eyes, they looked down slowly.  Even though I didn't know her for long, I could tell she was upset about that. 

I gasp when I realize, "Oh my god! You like someone!"

"NO! No I don't." she says, lightly blushing.

"Yeah right. And was the first person here," I say sarcastically.

"Whatever. Now is hardly the time to talk about this."

I hand her my finished drawing and then head out. I step out of the room and then Gally grabs my arms and chucks me into what I can only assume is the slammer. Wow I didn't think it would be builded that quickly. 

After chucking me into the slammer I shout after him, "SHUCKFACE!"


The greenie hands me the drawing and I look at it. It's exactly how he said it looked. Gross. Theres supposed to be a meeting about this shank. I better go. Gally has built another hut, which we are calling the council hut. I head over and see everyone (except the greenie) is already there. 

The discussion is hardly a discussion. More like a severely heated argument. 

"Guys," I said, "Even though he broke the rule, he gained valuable information."

"The greenie still broke our rule he deserves a punishment!" Gally rebuttals. 

"What information Y/N?"

"Information about out there. I know Alby, I get it okay. But we could really use any information we get."

"First of all I just asked Y/N. And second I agree. I think we need as much information as we can get. Newt? What are your thoughts?"

"Huh? Oh uhm. Yeah I agree. We should get as much information as we can. I say let him. Let him roam what's beyond the doors. We already know the times they open and close. He can go beyond the doors run all day and come back before they close. Y/N, What did he say was out there?"

"He said it was a maze, and there was a monster that he saw." I handed Newt and Alby the picture he drew. 

"See. It's not even safe. Who would even volunteer to go out there?" Gally says. 

"I would." It was Ben and Newt who said that.

"NO. No, I won't let you. The greenie has proved himself. He spent a whole night in there. You guys might not even be able to keep up. I won't let you. Lizard please." And with that, I leave the hut. 

I start walking out towards the greenie and let him out. "Hey greenie. We decided that you will be going out there every day from door open to close. You're going to explore the maze and report back to the Lizard and Alby."

"Is anyone coming with me?"


"Yes." I hear a voice behind me. It's Newt's. 

"No. You are not going Lizard. I can't loose you. Please." As much as I couldn't say it, I wouldn't for give myself if something happened to him. 

"I'm sorry Y/N/N. I can't just sit here and do nothing." 

"NO. I'll go. Please Lizard! I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you. I can prove myself, that I can keep up with him. Please."

"Fine. Don't get hurt. Be careful love." Love? 

"I-uh-I need to go talk to Alby." He leaves. Leaving me thinking to myself. Love. He called me Love. Why am I getting butterflies? It's just a word. 

I go to my hammock and lay down. I start trying to go to sleep but I can't. I can't stop thinking about how he called me love. I hear footsteps so I look over. 

"Just so you know. I heard your conversation with Newt. I came over to say I remembered my name. It's Minho. And I know you like someone. And now I know who."

"What are you talking about Gre-Minho? I don't like Newt."

"I never said a name..." He said walking away, and dragging out the "a" in name. Shuck. Now he knows. 

A/N: I think this is the longest chapter. Thanks you so much for reading! 

We are almost at 50 reads!! I can't believe it! I really hope you like the story so far!

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