[M] Gentle

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Slight mature content ahead.

Eunha POV

While stuffing my face with popcorn, I snuggle closer to Meonji on my bed. Cheesy background music playing in my room as the man finally gets down on one knee and pulls a beautiful ring out of his pocket. Presenting it to the woman, who looks at it in pure shock before finally coming to her senses and saying 'yes'. They hug and kiss faces red from excitement and happiness. Then they roll the credits, the movie finally finishing on a good note.

I sniffled, holding back my tears from the beautiful movie. These types of movies always make me wish I had someone who would love me so much that they would run across the world to find me. Someone who'd be nervous to lose me, and works extra hard to keep me. That's all I've ever wanted since I was young. A fairytale-like love, where my prince would hold me gently and treat me as if I was made of glass. But that's the one flaw in fairytales, they're nothing but a bunch of stories.

Grabbing my remote, I look for another movie, dabbing a tissue at my eyes. The last film still affects me somewhat. Maybe I shouldn't watch another romantic drama. They only seem to bring me to tears in the end, but they are enjoyable. Maybe it's the fact that I'm yearning for something I can't have.

Starting the next movie, I get halfway through before my phone rings next to me. I pause the Tv, answering the phone right away. The caller ID makes me instantly lose the serotonin boost that these romantic dramas give me.

"Open the door." She says her voice raspy, putting my entire body on high alert. It's my girlfriend. Well Ex-girlfriend, Sowon. We broke up a few weeks ago, and I thought it was mutual the way she handled the news, but ever since she acts as if nothing ever happened that day. Continues to be her tall, jackass, sensual self.

"Um. . .I- 'm watching a movie" I could feel my palms getting sweaty. I can't keep letting her have her way.

"So," she says sounding confused. "We can have a movie night".

Gulping, I hang up the phone before removing Meonji from my lap and heading downstairs. Meonji is on my heels as I walk to the front door. Shit. Should I even let her in? This is a bad idea, and Sinb is gonna have my head for it later.

Unlocking the door and opening it slightly I look up at the tall figure on my doorstep.

"Hey baby," she says with a smirk on her face, trying to push the door open, her smirk dropping when she sees I'm not moving from the door. "Are you not going to let me in?".

I shake my head back and forth. Trying to make my decision clear without exposing how nervous I am. "No, and stop calling me that," I say meekly, looking down at her sneakers. I can't look her in the eyes or else I'll fall for her trap.

"Stop calling you what?" she plays dumb, tilting her head to the side while I stare at her neck.


She chuckles as if what I just said was a joke before reaching to open the door. I move back slightly, a natural reflex to Sowon trying to touch me these days. Giving her enough time to fully open the door and force herself inside.

"How rude, you let me stand outside for that long."

I glare at her before heading up to my room. I hear her cooing at Meonji from downstairs taking the chance to run into my room, but before I can shut it, she holds it firmly with her large hands, once again barging into my space. That's all she ever does, she's never gentle or loving with me. Just rough and obnoxiously annoying. That's why I broke up with her, but she doesn't seem to understand the concept of a breakup. So she bothers me constantly, and I'd be lying if I said that I don't have a soft spot for her still. Not to mention she's my roommate.

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