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Sowon exhaled. A warm gust of air escaping her lips. She was really distracted by the thoughts invading her mind as she stood outside of the convenience store. Her and Eunha were going to meet up tonight, for the first time since their disbandment a few months ago.

She remembers when they were first told that their contracts would be terminated; the night before the news became public. The CEO had them all sit down at a meeting table in the Source Music building. The girls were still trying to rub the sleep from their eyes; they had all went to sleep fairly early since they had a early schedule in the morning.

The CEO arrived, looking soberly into each members eyes, before sitting down himself.

"What's up old man?" Yerin asked, pouting. "You know we need our beauty sleep in order to get your money right?" She questioned, an edgy and annoyed twinge to her tone. Yerin wasn't one that took well to being awoken from her sleep. The only thing that she probably cared about more than sleep was her grumpy dongsaeng, Sinb.

He glared at Yerin, before situating himself and turning to look at Sowon, who was sitting at the other end of the table.

"I know that this will come as a shock to all of you but I thought it was right that I tell you now," Sowon heard Umji breathe in sharply next to her. It felt like the tension in the room intensified tremendously, The leader even felt a heavy pain in her stomach like something had dropped and died there.

To ease the sudden discomfort she sat upright in her chair and looked directly at her boss. Clearing her throat before speaking. "What is it Sajangnim?" She questioned not liking how quite the man had gotten. She needed him to hurry up and rip off whatever band aid he planned to.

He looked down at the table, his broad shoulders, dropping as if they were weighed down by bricks. Sowon wanted to yell at him and tell him to hurry up. Her patience was starting to wear thin and she really just wanted to go back to bed since it was going on 10 at night.

"We have decided to let you all go," Silence.

What? Sowon thought as she stared in disbelief at the man who was sitting before them. There was no way he was being serious. This had to be some sick joke. Yerin stood up, slamming her hands into the wood surface of the table.

"Explain" She said simply. Her bangs covered her eyes as she looked down at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Sowon knew she was going to explode soon if she didn't get a good enough reasoning. And Sowon knew no reasoning would be good enough.

"The contract that we had with Hybe has been terminated because I've failed to pay some debts that I owe and therefore I am asked to let Gfriend go and sell the company as a whole" He explained. His face seemed red from embarrassment. Sowon wondered at first why he seemed so mortified by this. How could he possibly not have the money when all the girls did was work day and night? They were popular and sold more then enough albums as well. She was utterly confused until she saw his shifty guilty eyes connect with her own.

The CEO had gambled his money away.

She felt like screaming all over again. It was obvious that the man had not only spent his money but also the profits of Gfriend's labor. The profits that were meant to split between him, the girls and HYBE. It was always obvious, at least to Sowon, that the older man had been addicted to illegal gambling for years.

Money they had for certain events and concerts would randomly disappear out of nowhere and the girls would be worked to the bone to gain the "missing" money back.

"So you're giving up on us?" Eunha finally spoke for the first time, her voice shaking. Everyone turned to her surprised. The singer was usually far too nervous to speak in the presence of the man that formed them. She always gave him more credit for their success than what was deserved.

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