Just one kiss

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"Sowonieee" a sweet voice Whines out. Sowon stops in her tracks turning back around to face the younger girl.

"It's unnie to you Eunha" she says trying to sound as stern as possible. She can't keep letting the girl get away with these type of things. It was becoming extremely inappropriate and making her uncomfortable.

A few months ago the singer had started to show more interest in her leader than usual. Clinging to her, making shameless comments and even going as far as trying to join the older in the shower. Sowon knows Eunha likes to tease her but this goes way beyond the limits of the friendly teasing she's received from the girl in the past.

The girls were lounging around in the upper dorm. Sinb had went out with Umji, leaving the two alone. Sowon was set on spending the whole day sleeping and laying in her bed, but Eunha had other plans. Pulling the girl out of her covers and dragging her to the living room to watch a movie with her.

"Come on unnie," she said pushing the grumpy leader on to the couch "it'll be fun and I promise I'll behave" Sowon's eyes widen at her words. What does she mean she'll behave. Her mind landed straight in the gutter instantly, her face boiling at her own thoughts.

"You're shameless Jung" She mumbled shaking her head. Eunha didn't respond instead landing next to her on the couch, laying her head on her chest, preventing her from moving.

Sighing in defeat, Sowon decides to let it go. She's never had a problem spending time with the small girl. She just finds her slightly annoying these days. It feels like she's taking care of a toddler sometimes. Even though, toddlers don't speak so naughtily all the time. It baffles Sowon how Eunha can show zero concern for the fact that they are band members and continue to relentlessly tease and flirt with her. Doesn't she know that they can get in tremendous trouble if someone even suspects something remotely romantic is going on between them?

Well the fans don't really seem to care but their CEO definitely would. When the girls first debuted he even warned the singer about her fondness of Sowon and calling her jagiya in every other sentence. Sowon for one wanted to punch him square in his nose. Eunha however just nodded looking like a wounded puppy. She never stopped calling her jagiya though, just never in public.

"Are you paying attention unnie?" Eunha asked softly moving off of Sowon's chest to look at her.

"Huh what? Yea I'm watching aren't I?" She pouted at Sowon's response, looking unamused.

"If you're watching then tell me what's going on right now"

Laughing awkwardly, her hand went to rub the annoyed girls back to calm her down. "The girls confessing right now right?" She says unsure. Short laughs escape her when she looks back down at Eunha. The girl looked irritated but not irritated enough for it to actually be concerning. Her cute face always softening the blow of when she tries to look serious. "Cute" Sowon says without thinking. Eunha's frown melts off her face and is replaced with a sly smirk.

"I- I didn't mean it like that," The leader said trying to prevent the undeniable teasing she was about to face. "I'm going back to my room" standing up abruptly she started making her way towards the hallway.

That's when she heard it "sowonieeeee". Freezing in place, she turns around her eye twitching in irritation. Did this little pipsqueak just forget to use honorifics? Eunha's obviously enjoying watching her fall apart these days.

"It's Sowon unnie to you Eunha" she corrects rolling her eyes. The younger also rolling her eyes in response.

"Why should I call you like a sister? Do you think of me like a sister Sowon unnie?" The girl asked sarcastically emphasizing the unnie part. Her eyes piercing deeply into Sowon's, allowing the girl to see the admiration, lust, playfulness and agitation in her member's gaze all at once. A shiver ran down Sowon's spine when their eyes met.

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