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Sowon POV

What comes from being nice?

I've always asked myself this question since I was young. My mom says I'm selfish, but I don't think that's what it is.

I have friends and everything. Yerin, Sinb and Yuju are all my friends. And I guess Eunha counts as a friend too. Even if my feelings aren't so. . . friend like. I'm nice to them. I'm nice to my family. And if I'm being honest I'm a little too nice to the people at school.

So what if I'm not afraid to say no when I don't want to do something. Or if I don't smile naturally when speaking with people. Are these things I have to do to be considered nice? If so, then I guess I'm really not nice.

But looking across the room at Eunha with her bird-brained boyfriend. I can't help but wish that I was a little more like him. People say he's really nice, but I think he's just too dumb to be mean or even any other emotion other than unreasonably energetic.

That's what girls like apparently, seeing as he got the girl and I'm on the other side of the classroom looking like a kicked puppy. The thought is enough to make me want to barf.

Turning around, I face Sinb and Yuju who are already looking at me. They both stare at me; unblinking.

"What?" I ask, they both break their weird eye contact with me. Creepy grins spreading across their faces.

"Oh nothing. . .We're just enjoying the beginning of what some would call your delicious regret"


"She's talking about how you're looking at Eunha and her walking steroid like they ran over your dog and came back to spit on it" Yuju added. Wha- why bring Meonji into this!?

"Yea and I feel like it's justified to say we told you so" Sinb says, tilting her chin up. Of course my friends have no remorse. I feel like pouting but I know better, I'm the oldest after all and I have a reputation to uphold.

Doesn't mean I can't still nag though.

"No I was not! I was just looking at Eunha, we're friends so what's wrong with that?"

"Sowon sweetie, I may have a gpa of 2.5 but I am not dumb-"

"Sounds pretty dumb to me" Yerin cuts in, taking a seat next to me. "Hey guys" I nod at her before glaring at Sinb.

"I don't do my homework ok!" She defends before slouching into her seat with a sour expression on her face.

We all laugh before the teacher comes in. He stands by the door clearing his throat to get everyone's attention. We all quite down, facing toward the door. The only sound being Eunha's giggling at whatever her hot breathe goblin is saying in her ear.

"Jimin" The teacher warns, causing them to finally part. "Everyone head to your assigned seats, so we can start"

Yerin screws up her face, knowing that she'll be surrounded by musty jocks for the rest of the period. I chuckle at her reaction, even though I do sympathize with her. I used to sit there last quarter.

I feel eyes on me but decided not to look knowing that it's Eunha, who sits where Yerin is currently throwing a tantrum next to me.

After a few minutes, everyone is seated and the teacher starts writing something on the board.

Romeo and Juliet

Murmurs fill the class, as everyone wonders if we'll be forced to read the play for the tenth thousandth time.

"Um sir we read Romeo and Juliet last year and in middle school, why are we reading it again?" Jihyo, the class president, asked from the back. Waves of agreement and complaints follow.

"We're not reading Romeo and Juliet this time" He responds an amused look on his face.

"This time, there's going to be a play" Groans and shouts follow this, and I join as well. What does this have to do with English class? I'm not even good at English. I feel the nerve next to my eyebrow twitching already. This assignment will be the death of me.

"Don't worry Sowon, I'll help you" Eunha says smiling one of her reserved smiles at me. I should say something in return but my mouth opens and no words come out. Ever since she introduced her boyfriend to us, I haven't been able to act normally around her. So I nod instead, deciding that embarrassing myself isn't worth it right now.

"Hey now! It won't be that bad I promise. You won't even have to perform in front of anyone" The voices calmed down at that. "You'll each have a partner and you'll be responsible for recording your own versions of Romeo and Juliet"

"The whole thing!?" Sua screamed in shock, almost ending my ability to hear. Collective grunts of pain pass through the classroom. That girl has sirens for lungs.

"First off, tone it down Sua. Secondly, of course not! You'll all get a certain scene, assigned according to what you and your partner pull out of this bowl" He explained.

I guess this won't be too bad, now that he's explained it more. I still don't know about the partner part though. I don't really know anyone here. Hopefully I get one of my friends.

"Alright, I'll start by telling you guys your partners" I see Eunha turn to look at Jimin, making me roll my eyes.

"Sinb and Yerin"


Yerin and Sinb say at the same time. Sinb can't stand Yerin right now after Yerin kissed her that last time they were in a room alone. The only reason I know is because Yerin told me.

"Language! Next, Yuju and Dami. I hear a quite yes from behind me.

"Jimin and Sana" That poor soul. I mean Sana of course.

"Sowon and Eunha" At first, I thought my ears were playing a cruel joke on me. Hearing the teacher continue listing off names, I realize that Eunha is staring directly at me. I turn to look at her to see, excitement apparent on her face.

I on the other hand look like someone just told me, Yerin and Sinb are dating. Shock and anxiety so clear on my face, even I can see it and I'm not even able to see myself.

Eunha's prior excitement quickly turns to worry, as she looks at me. "Are you ok?"

I swallow the dry lump in my throat willing myself to speak. I couldn't keep freezing up like this.

"Y-yea, I just thought you'd be upset that you couldn't work with your boyfriend" I mentally slap myself the minute the words leave my mouth. Eunha probably thinks I'm a bitter bastard. Which I am. But she doesn't need to know that.

Eunha's eyebrows raise in surprise before she purses her lips, as if thinking how to respond.

After a very long few seconds she smiles at me before speaking. "We could do for some time apart every now and then. It's been a while since we've hung out anyway" she chuckled, winking exaggeratedly like she always does.

I feel heat sprint to my cheeks at the thought of spending time with the smaller girl before tilting my head forward. Making my hair cover my tinted cheeks. This assignment really was going to be the death of me.

Regardless of the difficulty. Spending time with Eunha always makes my heart feel like it's about to be ripped out of my chest. Leaving me dead. 



A/N- Thank you for the support and votes that people have been giving. I'm trying to be more consistent even though I have a lot of incomplete drafts. I'm really indecisive these days and don't think my one shots are very interesting. 

If anyone has any feedback or suggestions for one-shot ideas, feel free to comment or dm me. I'd really appreciate it. 

Lastly, I'll be making a 2nd part to this one-shot but it might become a mini story. Would that be cool or would it be better to keep it as a 2 part story? let me know and have a great day!

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