aliens of London pt 2

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As the three went to take a look car horns could be heard as well as people complaining. Militry people blocking off the road and sending people back and some how Alex could believe that it's alien.

"Its blocked off" the doctor pointed out

"We're miles from the centre.the city must be gridlocked."Alex complaining

"The whole of London must be closed down" the blond said trying to work out what it is

"I know! I can't believe I'm here to see this. This is fantastic" the doctor said voice full of excitement that made Alex wonder who this man was more and more.

"Did you know this was gonna happen?"Alex asked wondering if he knew

"Nope"the doctor grinned at her

"Do you recognise the ship?" Rose asked

"Nope" was the only reply she got

"Do you know why it crashed?"


"So glad we've got you" Rose replied sarcastically.

"Bet you are! This is why I travel Rose Alex. History happing right in front of us!" He grinned not noticing the sarcasm.

Please say he knew that was sarcasm

"Well let's go and see it.never mind the traffic. We've got the tardis."rose replied slightly breathless


"Hmm. Better not" the leather wearing man replied not wanting his tardis to get noticed."with one spaceship in the middle of London, I don't wanna shove another on top"

So the tardis is a spaceship then

"But yours looks like a big blue box. No one would notice"

A blue box i will need a notepad at this rate

"You'd be surprised . Emergency like this all kinds of people watching. Trust me the tardis stays where it is" the doctor told her sternly

"So history's happing and we're stuck here"

"Yes we are"

"Well" Alex said getting boths attention "we could do what everyone else dose" the doctor looked at her confused so she continued "we could watch it on TV. And you can explain what is going on."


Once they where back Rose pulled Alex into her room and started explaining everything.

"Hes the one who blew up your job!?!" Alex exclaimed.

"Yes and not so loud I don't think the doctor will be too grateful if mum finds out".Rose told her freind

Alex calmed down and pulled Rose into a hug "so let me get this straight the doctors some aliens which are real. Youve nearly died twice its only been a couple of days for you and you went back I time and met Charles dickens?"Alex mumbles into roses shoulder.

"Yep" Rose said popping the 'p'

"Let's head back inside then"

The doctor was seen wrestling with a child over the remote while it was fun to watch Alex decided to be nice to him and led the child to the kitchen for a drink to distract him.the doctor was grateful for that and was starting to understand why Rose spoke so highly of her.

When more people started to arrive Alex decided she was going outside for a breath of fresh air.


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