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September 1st, 2015

Artemis and Apollo Greengrass set foot on the Hogwarts Express after saying goodbye to their mother Daphne Greengrass along with their aunt and uncle Draco and Astoria also not forgetting their younger cousin Scorpius.

"Come quick before all the good cabins are taken!!" Apollo exclaimed as he grabbed his twin sisters hand pulling her into the first empty cabin they found. They put their trunks away and straight away ran to the window waving goodbye to their loved ones as the train pulled away from the station.

"Apollo come sit down you're going to ruin the glass" Artemis said as she tugged on her brother's jumper. Apollo had his face smushed up against the window looking out at the views that passed them by, hardly holding still.

"Temmi I was thinking, we should defo try out for the quidditch team and we can be next Weasley twins and lead our team to victory!!" Apollo told Artemis with a huge smile on his face.

"Well of course we're the best at quidditch, we always win when we play at home. I honestly think it's down to our twin telepathy." Artemis agreed with a smug look on her face thinking back to all the family quidditch matches they had won.


Hours passed and they had finally arrived at Hogwarts. After riding the boats to the castle and a speech from Professor Longbottom they entered the Great Hall. The twins mouths dropped open and their eyes grew big. It was exactly how their mother had described but even better if that was possible. Looking around they saw four tables of the four houses full of students with all eyes on them. When they reached the top they suddenly stopped all of them falling into eachother. As the twins looked up they saw all the teachers and the empty cylinders which would throughout the year be filled with house points.

"I will call your names one by one and you will come up and sit on this stool and be placed into your house." Professor Longbottom loudly said over the excitement of the students.

A few names passed and finally it was time for the twins. Artemis grabbed her brothers hand with excitement but also a bit of fear as she didnt know what was going to happen.

"Greengrass, Apollo"

Silence filled the Great Hall as his name was called. No one knew Daphne had kids, she didn't even have a husband. It had been rumoured that she had gone missing eleven years ago, now looking at it it's exactly when she would've been pregnant with the twins. Everyone started whispering but they quickly stopped when the sorting hat had been placed on Apollo's head.

After a small speech about his qualities the hat was ready to reveal his house.

"Slytherin!!" This was expected as all previous Greengrass family members had been sorted into the same house, it was tradition.

"Greengrass, Artemis"

Taking a deep breathe she steps up and sits down on the stool shaking with nerves. Thoughts filled her head making her mind spin. What if she wasn't in Slytherin? What if she didn't fit it in?

"Hufflepuff!!" That one word stopped all her thoughts. Hufflepuff. She had been put in Hufflepuff. She looked over to her twin both of them a worried look in their eyes. She slowly stands up looking down at the floor and sits at the Hufflepuff table.

The rest of that night was a blur.

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