Chapter Four

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Apollo enters the great hall that Saturday morning with a spring in his step holding a singular yellow rose. He had been in a rush to get ready this morning as it was an important morning to him. His hair was falling into his eyes, his emerald green tie was barely done up and his top button undone along with the bottom of his shirt untucked. He raced over to the Hufflepuff table where his now girlfriend Lois was sitting prepping the Hufflepuff quidditch team for their first match of the season.

When he got there he took her by surprise by giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I got you this." he said with a beaming smile whilst holding out the rose for her to take. "It's for good luck, yanno see how it's your first match as captain and I made sure to pick a yellow one to match the Hufflepuff colours."

"Ah I love it, thank you so much" Lois squealed giving him a kiss on the lips. "I'm so nervous, what if I mess up and make us loose? What if I don't win?"

"Honey, it's fine don't worry you're the captain for a reason just try your best ok?"

"Ok" Lois smiled but as Apollo left she called him straight back over. "Here take this it's going to be cold today" She said as she reached down into her bag and grabbed her Hufflepuff scarf and wrapped it around his neck. Apollo gave her a huge smile and a kiss on the back of her hand before running off to join his friends.

"Well aren't you quite the romantic" Talulah teased as Apollo reached their table.

"Shush she was super nervous last night and I wanted to make her feel better. Where's Temmi?"

"She's over by the Ravenclaw table wishing Thomas good luck, it's his first match as the Ravenclaw seeker"

"Oh yh I forgot about that. Do you think she's ok with me officially dating Lois? I know she wasn't too sure on us."

"Oh yeah she's fine, I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much she just doesn't want you to get hurt but I can tell that she's glad you're happy.

They all happily sat together joking around and eating their breakfast before it was time to head over to the quidditch pitch for the match.


Hufflepuff ended up winning due to Lois managing to catch the snitch just a few seconds before Thomas and to celebrate the Hufflepuff team organised a party for that night asking the house elves to get them food and to decorate the common room which they gladly did.

Music was playing loudly, bodies were dancing and everyone was having a good time. Spirits were high and no one had any worries.

"I can't believe we won!!! Like we actually won!! I knew there was a chance but I didn't think it would-" Lois' rambling got cut off by Apollo smashing his lips onto hers although he did slightly miss due to having one to many shots of fire whisky, he picked up Lois and spun her in the air both of them laughing and carefree not worried about anyone else in the room. It was only them that mattered.

"Temmi I really don't feel like partying right now" Thomas said as Artemis dragged him into the Hufflepuff Common room and putting a shot of fire whiskey in his hand.

"I know you don't but my house just won their quidditch match and I know it'll cheer you up andddd to be honest I really want to party so take your shot and let's get dancingggg" They took their shots and Artemis started dancing like no one was watching making Thomas laugh as he gave in and let her bring him into the middle of the dance floor.


Hours past but the party was still going on and didn't show any signs of ending soon. Cups were being refilled and nearly all the food was gone to say the least the party was a success.

Apollo and Lois were in the centre of it all dancing up against eachother both of them feeling the heat. "Let's go somewhere more private." Apollo whispered in Lois' ear before kissing her neck. She didn't respond but instead just led him to one of the doors pushing it open not caring what was in there. When they got in Apollo pressed Lois up against the wall still kissing her neck. Just as things were about to escalate further they heard something. It sounded like someone crying.

Looking around they saw a girl sitting in the corner in a little ball. As they got closer they realised that it was Talulah.

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