Chapter One

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September 1st, 2018

Laughter filled up the train cabin that the group of friends sat in every year. After a whole summer of letter writing and the occasional meet up if possible they were finally being reunited ands let's just say they were all thrilled.

"Well if everyone here had read the letter that got sent out you would all know that I, the one and only, the amazing, the brilliant Apollo Greengrass has been appointed the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team" cheers erupted from everyone as Apollo bowed and took in the applause. After it had been announced that Artemis was in Hufflepuff she decided to not try out for the Hufflepuff team as she didn't want to play if it wasn't with Apollo and didn't want to play against him which broke her heart but seeing him so happy and successful made it ok. It would've been difficult if they were both on different teams.

"Always need to be centre of attention don't we Apollo" a brunette who had poked her head round the door of the cabin said. She smiled at everyone then walked off making sure Apollo was following her, which he unsurprisingly was.

"Ugh she gets on my nerves" Artemis groaned rolling her eyes.

"She's the new Hufflepuff Captain as well I bet you she's already going round gloating about it" Talulah Lawson,  Artemis' best friend says.

"Who are we talking about??" Archie Montgomery butts in.

"Lois Pope, she's in Hufflepuff but in a different friendship group. She's always putting her hand up in class and flirting with the boys and seems to have caught Apollo's eye for some obscure reason" she explained seeming bothered by her brothers new crush. It had always been her and Apollo and she don't know how she felt about him getting a girlfriend even though she has had multiple flings over the last year at school.

"Moving on, Albus told me that things happened with your family this summer. Are you ok?" James Potter interrupted placing a hand on Artemis' thigh blushing at the contact.

"I'm alright it was just the usual argument of how we got raised wrong and we aren't true purebloods because we have different beliefs, it just got taken a bit too far. I'm not so sure that Scorpius is ok though, it's seem to have made him super nervous to start second year but Albus will take care of him" Artemis explained while slowing moving James' hand off her thigh so hopefully he wouldn't notice that she didn't want it there.

"Pffttt I still can't get over the fact that your parents decided to name him Albus Severus it's a horrible name. Poor child" laughed Archie.

"Shut up I know it's horrible why do you think I never call him it??" James quickly responded to distract him from the fact that Artemis had moved his hand from her thigh. He'd been thinking of ways to make a move on her all summer as this year was going to be the year he asks the girl he's had a crush on since the first year out. Last year she'd had so many flings it never seemed possible but it was a new school year meaning a new opportunity and he was determined to make her his girlfriend.


The group had now been split up and were each at their house tables. Normally they would all sit at one table but for the first night it was required they sit by houses. During the long speech the headmaster gave every year Artemis was looking over to the Slytherin table at the other side of the hall to see Apollo next to Scorpius making sure he was ok going into his second year.

The feast finished a few hours later leaving everyone satisfied and in a food coma having everyone swearing they'll never eat that much again which we all know is a lie. They all leave the Great Hall year group by year group to avoid mix ups and there being too many students going to the same place at once. Finally it was the fourth years turn and Artemis grabbed Talulahs hand and they skipped down to the Hufflepuff Common room. After successfully sneaking into all the common rooms last year she had decided that the Hufflepuff Common room was in fact the best one. It was cozy with big sofas and little nooks to read in with crackling stone fireplaces that illuminated the room giving you that warm feeling inside. Plus it was by the kitchens which was a huge added bonus she couldn't tell you how many midnight feasts her and Talulah shared last year.

Her and Talulah shared a dorm with two other girls, Addison Rawlings and Sadie Watson. They weren't in the same friendship group as them but they all got along together and always had fun.


The excitement settled down and every student was prepared for the first day back at Hogwarts. Timetables had been shared, bags packed and uniforms ready all the lights went out and the students went to sleep ready for the year that awaits them.

Artemis [HP Universe]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon