Chapter Three

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A few weeks passed and it was time for the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. Everyone was excited, it was a time where they could get out of their uniform, have fun and stock up on supplies and lots of sweet treats. James never plucked up the courage to ask Artemis on a date again so he settled with going with Apollo and Archie as Talulah had announced that her and Artemis were going together as a girls trip to get away from the "annoying" boys.


"Ok where too first?" Talulah pondered to Artemis as she linked their arms together weaving in out of the crowd to get ahead as apparently everyone was walking far too slow. "I was thinking we could get all the boring stores done first so Tomes and Scrolls, the post office, Dogweed and Deathcap, blah blah you know what else is boring round here. Thennnn we could go to Zonkos and Honeydukes and then finally The Three Broomsticks to rest our feet" Talulah rambled on not caring if her best friend was even listening or not but she does turn to her to make sure she heard at least some of it as she would hate to repeat it all.

"Sounds good Lulah, now let's stop talking and go shopping!!" Artemis says quickly breaking into a run causing Talulah to let out a high pitched screech making everyone to look at her.

The running and laughing soon came to a halt as Artemis all of a sudden collided with somebody ending up on the floor and pulling Talulah down with her. Looking up she saw who she had crashed into. She didn't know his name but she knew he was from Ravenclaw and knew that he spent a lot of time in the library studying, she often saw him down by the Black Lake with his group of friends. He wasn't popular, not many people really knew him.

Normally Artemis would be profusely apologising but she seemed to be lost for words as she studied his face not noticing that he had put out his hand for her to grab until Talulah coughed to get her attention. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up with ease giving her a warm smile. A smile that she would remember. A smile that she didn't want to forget.

"I am so so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you ok did I hurt you?" Artemis starts blabbering but he just laughs at her.

"I'm ok don't worry, just don't make a habit of running into people with full force then falling to the ground. I'll see you around" he said and with that he turned and made his way back to his friends leaving Artemis again at a loss for words.

"I feel like I just watched a scene from a movie." Talulah stated confused at what had just happened. She's never seen Artemis so speechless she's normally always got something to say.

"Let's just forget what happened and get shopping" Artemis mumbled as she brushed herself off.

"Are you sure you want to forget?"

"Oh shush come on let's go it's going to be busy now"


"I would say that was a successful days worth of shopping" Talulah said proudly as she threw herself onto one of the seats absolutely exhausted. "I'm so tired though, who knew shopping could be so exhausting"

"You do know if you want me to go get us the drinks you can ask you lazy sod. I'll go get them now" Artemis laughed shaking her head. As she got up to the bar she recognised the person who was currently there ordering drinks. "So we meet again, seems like the world can't keep us apart."

"It's seems so. How are you feeling? Not too sore I hope" he asks with a caring look on his face.

"Oh I'm fine honestly don't worry about me" Artemis blushed. A comfortable silence fell upon them as they exchanged looks causing them both to blush even more.

"Four butter beers?" The bartender mumbled seeming fed up with her job.

"Ahh that's mine." He grabbed the drinks somehow carrying four pints of butter beer in two hands as the bartender hasn't given him a tray. He turns back to Artemis causing her to shift her eyes making him chuckle as she had clearly been staring at him whilst he wasn't looking. "Well, I'll see you around, hope you a nice evening. Oh and maybe you should make it more discreet when you're admiring someone" and with that he turned around and walked over to his friends leaving Artemis speechless once again.

"What you like to order" grumbled the bartender snapping her back to reality.

"Oh umm two butter beers please" she said keeping her eyes on the boy she had just met today until he had sat down with his friends.


"So ladies, how was the shopping?" Archie said as he stuffed his mouth with roast potatoes that night at dinner.

"It was great but I think Temmi here is loveeee" Talulah responded nodding her head towards Artemis who wasn't eating but instead peering over to the Ravenclaw table looking at a certain someone.

"Wait what? With who?" James quickly said trying to look over to where Artemis was staring. "Thomas?"

"Thomas Asher?" Apollo butts in.

"You know him?" Artemis says turning her head to her twin brother.

"Not really, he's the new Ravenclaw seeker, I've seen him practicing he's pretty good. Him and Lois seem to have some sort of friendly competition going on as they're both seekers. You didn't know his name?"

"No I didn't we never really introduced ourselves but now I know so thank you my lovely brother. See you are useful sometimes."

Artemis [HP Universe]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora