Phil? (Edited)

28 2 11

(Tw! Major character death, gore (not too descriptive), quite sad in the end)


Sam : Phil

Sam : Phil I need your help

Phil : what is it Sam?

Sam : come to the prison, make sure no one follows you and don't bring Techno

Phil : alright?


Phil sighed, he crept toward Techno's house and with the key Techno had given him, he opened the door. He intended to check on the man before he left. As quietly as he could he tiptoed up the stairs and looked over to his friend. Techno was asleep. Phil smiled and left the way he came.

Phil then proceeded to make the long trip toward the prison.

Eventually he made it to the prison, looking around before stepping inside. There Sam was, a serious look resting on his face. This confused Phil, he knew it was serious but he didn't think that Sam could look so cold.

"Hello Sam"

"Hello Philza, let's just skip the the pleasantries. I have a job for you"

"Really? What is it"

Sam sighed, he didn't know how Phil would take the request. He knew how close they were. Even if Phil took the job, it wouldn't be easy.

"You are not to tell anyone about this, not even Ranboo"


Sam then began to explain the thing he was asking of Phil. He watched as Phil's expression went from calm to confused to shocked. Honestly he braced himself for whatever Phil would do next. He knew that Phil was close with Techno, honestly he thought that Phil would kill him for even suggesting such a thing.

"Y-you... you want me to kill Techno?"

"He is the biggest threat to Dream escaping. We both know that Technoblade owes Dream a favor. If he is ever to enter the prison again there's a risk of Dream escaping and I know for a fact he's planning on coming soon"

"how much are you paying me again?"

As if throwing away a friendship like his and Techno's would be worth anything.

"Diamonds, netherite, emeralds... anything you want Philza"

Phil went silent for about ten minutes, thinking about what he should do. On one hand he didn't want to betray his friend and on the other he knew that Sam was right. He didn't want Dream to escape, he disliked Dream as much as the average person did. He was torn but eventually he came to a decision Phil sighed, looking up at Sam.

"I'll do it"



Techno didn't understand why he was being brought to the remains of L'Manburg.

There was a note left in his home telling him to go and he was naturally quite curious. He was Technoblade, if anyone tried anything then he could defend himself. He noticed that there were quite a few people there. The note had the initial 'S' on it and he of course noticed that Sam was there. So he assumed the note was from Sam though he didn't know how Sam knew where his house was. Though Sam could have just asked Ranboo or Phil to deliver the note.

"Hello Sam"

"Hello Technoblade"

Sam began to monologue, mostly talking about Techno's ties to Dream. Techno was both confused and intrigued with how this would go.

"-and right now Techno, you are the only threat to Dream escaping"

"Why would I break him out?"

"Does the term.. favor.. sound familiar to you?"

Techno chuckled and shook his head, dismissively. He wouldn't break Dream out, or at least at the moment he had no plan to.

"You think he's gonna call in that favor if I visit his cell again? Listen Sam, if you're trying to pick a petty fight then-"

Sam chuckled. 

"What if that's exactly what I'm doing?"

"Then I suggest you draw your weapon before I cut your tongue straight from your mouth"

Sam just smirked.

"I never said I was the one you'd be fighting. Isn't that right.. Phil"

Almost instantaneously Techno's expression went from confident and calm to panicked and distressed. Phil tried to keep his stone cold expression, even when seeing his friends own expression. The noise around them seemed to stop as people stared. They gathered around to see what was going on. Ranboo stood at the sidelines, worried.


"Hi, mate"

"No, this is unfair. I can't fight Phil"

"How is it unfair Techno? I thought you were the blood god"

Techno looked as though he would surrender right then and there. Sam was counting on it honestly. He took a few steps back, seemingly to find a way to escape. Techno adjusted the sword in his hand.

"I'm not the-I won't hurt Phil"

"Well... it seems he doesn't hold the same values as you do. Now, Phil!"

So Phil advanced toward techno with his sword in hand. Techno blocked Phil's strike but didn't retaliate by striking back. Instead Techno moved backward as he blocked all of Phil's hits. Avoid and evade, a tactic he never used. Phil tried so hard to fight his instinct to stop attacking. Phil knew that as much as he would deny it, Techno would break Dream out. Though only if Dream called a favor which he likely would seeing as he'd been in prison for 6 months.

"I don't want to hurt you Phil"

"I know"

Phil then stayed mostly silent as he continued to attack.

Sam knew that Phil would be right for the job, especially since Phil knew everything about Techno. Sam didn't know this but Phil knew that there was a weak spot in Techno's armor. Right on his chest, the spot was worn down from fighting among other things. Techno had yet to repair it seeing as there was no war going on and it was essentially unnecessary.

Eventually Phil managed to knock Techno off balance. Phil braced himself before forcing his sword through the weak point in the armor. Techno's body lurched slightly. Niki gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. Ranboo felt tears well in his eyes, trying desperately to keep them from flowing down his face. Puffy's mouth fell open as she watched. Quackity knew it would happen but he didn't know that it would happen this quickly.

No one else around was aware of the deal that Sam and Phil made.

Phil watched the light begin to fade from his friends eyes. He could hear his crows cawing but for once he couldn't understand what they were saying. He couldn't hear them over the adrenaline coursing through him. If he could, he would be able to hear how angry they were at him. It was too loud. Phil finally allowed the remorse he felt show in his face.

"I-I'm sorry, Techno"

For a second Techno's expression turned sour, scornful. Tears welled up in the man's eyes, spilling down his pale face. The pink haired man shook his head lightly.

"N-No, you aren't"

Phil pulled his sword from Techno's near lifeless body, watching as the man collapsed to the ground. Dark red blood pooled around the man and his breathing shallowed. Tears ran down Phil's face as he stared at the body of his closest friend. Sam smiled, handing Phil a heavy box. Ranboo wiped at his eyes almost desperately, trying to prevent the tears dripping from his eyes from burning his skin. Niki ran off right after. Where she went exactly? Who knows?

Phil put a hand to Techno's wrist to feel for a pulse. There wasn't one and Phil could no longer hear his breathing. Techno was dead. There was no returning from this because Phil knew something for a fact.

Techno only had one life, like Phil did.

Techno was gone. Forever

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