Spring Winds Pass

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The air was hot and felt thick against the man's overheating body. How could anyone live or even work out in this heat?

He heard a groan coming from somewhere next to him as the sound of their horses hooves ricocheted loudly in his aching head. The man turned to look at the blond boy next to him.

"Will, how much longer are we going to be out here"

"Not much longer now Tommy, it should be around here somewhere"

"What the fuck is this guy even doing out here?"

"This guys a legend Tommy! I could name ten people off the top of my head that want this guys head on a stick. Of course he'd be out here in hiding"

"Over there!"

Wilbur turned to look at Phil who was now pointing toward a building in the middle of this grassy field. He could see a lake and lines cut into the ground that brought water from the lake to the fields that spread out for miles.

The trio rode their horses down the path, stopping at the front gate surrounding the farm house. From there they could see chickens and cows, some other animals though of course there were no pigs. Eventually they spotted the man they were looking for. He was kneeling in the dirt, tending to the flowers just outside his home. They could see his long pointed ear twitch slightly as they approached. The man turned.

He had long pink hair that was loose, not tied up like one would expect. He was wearing simple clothing, a white button up shirt, dark pants and a pair of work-boots. There was also a silky red sash tied around his waist. Some strands of his hair were tied into thin braids weaved with beads, golden coins and flowers. On the ground next to him was a large sun hat, also adorned with a black ribbon and some flowers.

They could see a large scar on his left eye coming from just above his eyebrow to down at his cheekbone. His left eye was clouded over, likely having little or no sight at all. His other eye was a bright emerald green. They could see a sword in its sheath leaning against the porch railing by the front door.

"Who are you? Why are you on my farm?"

"We need you, Technoblade"

(393 words because I'm bad... anyway here! Content, give me clout /j )

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