The Day I Almost Died (Part 1)

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Niall's POV

I was supposed to find and replace a special relic that the Red Bows had. This relic has been rumored to contain powers that could anyone what they wanted. With a single touch and wish, you could be the most powerful person on earth. You are essentially God with this relic.

I was teamed up with Harry and Liam with this task. We were the top spies along with Zayn. However he and Louis were on another mission that took place in Egypt.

Harry: Niall are you ready to go?

Niall: Yup I sure am... I just need to say tell Y/N that I am going on a tour.

Liam: Can't you tell Y/N that you need to essentially save the world? I mean... How long are you gonna keep this as a secret?

Niall: I don't think Y/N is ready to know. One of the members of the Red Bows was once their ex... I have to keep Y/N safe from this...

Harry: If you say so...

Liam just shook his head as he and Harry walked away from me and towards the car.

I just couldn't tell Y/N... If she did know... Will Zach target her?

You start to wonder if you will tell her but your thoughts are cut off when you hear the red light go off!


Everyone is running around and trying to hide and keep things safe. As the Red Cross reached us before we reached them.

Harry and Liam came back running to me and were panting.

Harry: We- We- We- have- to- to- every- one- out!

Niall: Got it! I will help the scientists and assistants out. Get the things ready!

Liam was going to say something but I ran off and quickly got a gun in case of danger.

I went down every room trying to tell people to get out. Thankfully most of the rooms were empty and no one was hurt. All I needed to do was get out myself.

I ran to the elevator and quickly entered. I put in the number for the rooftop and went up. As the elevator started to close it's door. I hear a loud crash and catch a small glimpse of the Red Bows.

Thankfully they did not spot me... However I would be very wrong...

As the elevator was halfway to floor 15 (the rooftop) it suddenly stops on floor 12.

Niall: What am I going to do now? I might have to use the stairs.

I quickly step out and it was empty. It was so quiet and I could even hear the clock ticking slowly. It felt as if time stopped. I felt safe at last. However I should of gone to the stairs in that instant. Because as I stood there dumbfounded I hear a 3 bangs and move to a wall to cover.

The Red Bows found me. It was only one person who did and that face belonged to Zach... Y/N ex....


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