The Day I Almost Died (Part 2)

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**we are still in Niall's flashback**

I was in a hurry to leave the area but had no where to escape. I look around and see a small vent I could hide into. It was perfect as I would be able to fit in, but the Red Bows wouldn't. Especially since they carried weapons and gear. It was a risky take to do as one simple sound could alert them.  Quickly, I removed the bolts of the vent and crawl in.

In an instant, I hear the footsteps come closer to where I was hiding and I begin to crawl . I had no idea where I was going, but all I knew is that I needed to get away from the Red Bows. I then see another vent leading to the outside, and crawl towards the other vent for safety. 

As I crawl I hear footsteps above me and Zach's voice:

Zach: We need to find him or else he will report all of the information back to the other headquarters! He cannot escape me nor will his teammates!

I reach the vent and push with all of my strength. I made it to a strange hallway. Quickly I block the vent with a small table and run towards the last door. I lock myself in there and wait until I no longer feel in danger.

As I started to calm down, I look at my surroundings. The room was dark and had little to no light. The room looked old and seemed to be a library. I use the walkie-talkie to contact my other team mates. 

Niall: Are you guys there? I appear to be in a safe place, but I don't know where I am at.

Harry: I am here with Liam. We are outside of the building now, everyone is safe. We have caught some of the Red Bow members, but we couldn't catch Zach. The relic is still in there. Maybe you could find it?

Niall: How will I find it? I'm not even sure how it looks like. 

Harry: Liam says he knows. *passes walkie-talkie to Liam*

Liam: The relic is almost like a crystal, it has a green-blueish hue and is quite small. The moment you touch the relic you are said to be granted super human powers or whatever you wish at any moment. Just be careful, the relic cannot be destroyed here.

Niall: Okay,  I will try my best to find it!

Liam: and one more thing...

Niall: Yes?

There were a few seconds of silence, before Liam said:

Liam: Don't wish for anything unless you need to

Niall: Alright, I will keep that in mind...

I hang up the call and start trying to find the relic and a way to escape. The bookcases are slender and seem to be quite heavy. I look around until I see a faint hue. It was at the end of the room.

I begin to realize that the relic is behind the bookcase. Slowly I approach it and begin to push the bookcase as I undercover a secret door. I open the door and the room began to illuminate. The relic was there, behind a layer of glass and hidden away. Without any hesitation I break the glass and grab the relic. 

For that day, I held the power.


The Love We Share // Niall X Reader (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora