Chapter 4: Chasing and Fighting Owlman

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(The heroes go to the warehouse where they locate Owlman.)

Ruby: There he is!

Owlman: Persistent, aren't you?

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Owlman: Persistent, aren't you?

(Then Owlman goes to his Owlwing and another big chase starts.)

Dan: Let's go after him, Drago.

Drago: All right!

Batman: Alfred. Send the Batwing.

Alfred: Immediatelly, Master Bruce.

(Dan and Drago engage Owlman in a high speed aerial chase Drago uses his fire breath, but Owlman manages to avoid the attack, turns around and shoots some missiles, only for them to be destroyed one by one. Then Yin comes riding an Ice Dragon he summoned thanks to his gylphs. Then Batman comes in piloting his Batwing.)

Batman: Give up, Owlman. It's 3 vs 1!

Owlman: What good would it do, brother?

Dan: Brother?

(Owlman smirks and shoots another missile, only for Yin to use his Path of Sorrow and destroy it once again.)

Batman: Wrong answer, brother!

(Then Batman shoots some missiles while Drago uses a fire breath again. Then Yin jumps off, turns his Path of Sorrow into a katana, and cuts Owlman's Owlwing down. As he falls down, Blue the Velociraptor comes in and ensures the hero's safe landing.)

Yin: Thanks, Blue.

Yin: Thanks, Blue

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Blue: (roars)

(Then they see Owlman landing on his feet)

Yin: All right, Owlman. You and me!

Owlman: Don't presume so much, son of Salem. Behind you!

(Then the duo sees various members of the Court of Owls.)

Blue: (roars)

Yin: Blue, they are all yours!

(Blue nods before facing the Court of Owls while Yin is seen face to face with Owlman.)

Yin: Like I said, just you and me!

(A/N: Yin is Deathstroke and Owlman is Batman)

Yin: You're finished, Owlman.

(Blue sweeps various members of the Court of Owls away. As some others were about to pin her, Yin shoots the remaining members of the Court of Owls down. As Owlman gets up and tries to escape, his legs are frozen, then Team RWBY shows up.)

Weiss: Game Over for you, villainous dunce!

Blake: (points her Gamble Shroud at Owlman) Start talking! How did you recruit that Timberjack?

Owlman: Why don't you ask Roman? HE is behind all of this, not me!

Batman: Even so, you're going back to Arkham!

Owlman: (sighs) So be it!

(Then Batman ties Owlman up.)

Yin: Now we just need to put Hazel and Roman down!

Yang: We better not forget that ice cream girl.

Yin: Thank you, Yang. I totally forgot about Neo.

(Then the heroes and Batman part ways.)

Dan: This night is getting more interesting than I thought.

Drago: Concentate, Dan! The battle isn't over yet!

Weiss: I would agree with your pet if I were you, you dolt!

Drago: I am not Dan's pet, Ice Queen!

(Weiss' teammates laugh)

Yin: Calm down, guys. Don't fight!

Duncan: Yeah, we need to stop Hazel, Neo and Roman.

Zero: And end all of this chaos in Vale!

(Owlman was taken down. Only Hazel, Neo and Roman remain. Did Roman disturb Timberjack's peace? If not, who?)

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